Wednesday, June 27, 2012

America's Got Talent (AGT) 2012 - 06/26/2012 - Vegas Week Show #3 (Finale)

This will be the Standby group, fighting for one of the remaining spots in the 48 act roster.

Segment #1

Magic Category
Hawley Magic (levitation)
Giani (did mind-reading)
Jarrett & Raja (make an orchestra appear where one was on a toy piano)

Segment #2

Band Category
The All Ways (rock band)
Wordspit, the Ilesti (rap w/singer - Rocked up NY, NY)
The HillBenders (bluegrass - Papa Was a Rolling Stone)
Dillon Havens and Friends (kid singer - Blue Suede Shoes)
The Emily Ann Band (3 girls & a guy)
Distingished Men of Brass (brass band w/drummers)

Segment #3

Danger Category
LionDanceMe (Asian dance
Coliff's Demo Team (martial arts)
Kola Sports (BMX, scooters, wheelies)
Serengeti ??? - (takes large Madigascar Roaches out of his mouth, deals with a cobra, kissed the cobra on the head)

Segment #4

Kids Category
Lil Babywockee (dancer) 6yo
Lil Starr (tap dancer) 6yo
Danielle Stallings (singer)
The Cos Fam (dancers) 11-17
Tevin McGuire (singer) 13yo
Unity in Motion (acrobatic/ballet dancers) 11-16
The Williams Bruthers (syncrhonized dancing)

Segment #5

Acrobats/Aerialists Category
???? (Hoop)
Benn Mendoza Circus (Dance/Acrobatic w/Aerialists - Alice In Wonderland to Marry the Night)
Donovan & Rebecca (Aerialists and strength)

Segment #6

Rap Category
Rob Hayes
They Rhyamtist
Svet (plays kb and fiddle)
Granny G (80yo rapper)
Burton Crane (older guy w/a Casio KB)

Segment #7

Dance Group Category
Battle Bros
Old Shoes, New Shoes
LCD - Lisa Clark Dancers
The Scott Brothers
Inspire the Fire (singers/dancers)

Segment #8

Novelty Category
Dave Giribaldi (painting group)
??? (virtual ventriloquist)
Michael Nejad (musician on homemade instruments)(
Rock Star Juggler (juggling)
The Two Bits (old dancers - Cute)
Big Barry (little person singer)

Segment #9

Solo Dance
Lindsey Norton (acrobatic dance)
Elusive (hip hop dancer)
Stepz (contorting street dancer - double- and triple-jointed it seems)
Turf (contorting street dancer - double- and triple-jointed, too)

Segment #10

All the acts have performed. Now it's the judges' decisions.
Montage of the acts with the judges talking about them. (Hard to tell who they're really talking about, and whether it's the one shown or someone else. Of course, that's intentional.)

Kids groups (3-4) - no
Three kids (groups) to NY
Dancer girl NY
Bands (rock & bluegrass) NY
Old shoes/New Shoes - No
Magic acts - 2 more magic acts go through
Bands - Three go home (kid lead singer, 3 girls & guy, and one more)
Brass group and two more groups go through

Coming up - The two male solo dancers

Segment #11

Dance group - NY
Two Bits & John (Virtual Ventriloquist) - No
Couple of guys
Lion Dance Team - NY
Couple more dance groups - NY
both Old rappers - No
3 guys (different acts) - No
Dance group, and a couple of individuals - No
Aerialists/Strength - Yes
Big Barry - NY (Come on - Now they only have ONE spot when they could have had two)

Stepz & Turf (contorting street dancers)
Stepz - No
Turf - Howard wants to put him through because he likes him - and has to go by talent only - Home to pack his bags to go to NY.

You can see how much this means to so many of them. Those who made it and those who didn't.

Next week (Monday @ 8:30PM EST & Tuesday) - NY with the Top 48, live.

Cya then ;-)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America's Got Talent (AGT) 2012 - 06/26/2012 - Vegas Week Show #2

The trials continue... Most of these will be like yesterday... Listing who is in the category, sometimes what they did, and maybe a comment or two. Full reviews will begin when they go to the live shows.

Performance Day 2

Segment #1

Magic Category
Eric Dittelman (mind-reading is what sets him apart) - The guy is GOOD!
Taylor R???? - Made a helicopter appear
Justin Rivera - Walked his top half over some packing boxes (inside one)
Spencer Horseman - Escape Artist (very suspensful - in a box filled with water for 1min 25sec. At 20 seconds left, dropped his lockpick doing the outside lock.

Segment #2

Duos? (Groups? missed it)
Eric & Olivia - (Eric plays guitar, Olivia sings)
Maruice and Shanice Hayes (father/daughter singers - Older)
Jorge & Alexa Rodriguez (father/daughter - daughter is kid - Did they do Feliz Navidad commercials around Christmas?)

Segment #3

Jacob Williams(?)
Sammy Obeid
Dave Burleigh (imoressions, too)
Kellen Erskine
Tom Colter
Frank Roche (auditions/impressions - didn't do too good - They sent him home right away)

Segment #4

Sebastien "El Charro del Toro?" - Mariachi singer
Issac Brown (singer/dancer)
The Untouchables - Dance Group
Amazing Elizabeth - Aerial act
Edon - Singer/Piano Player

Segment #5

Male Singers
Ulysses - Theme songs from the 70s
Daniel Park (plays guitar, too)
Jake Wesley Rogers (plays piano, too)
Tim Poe (country singer)
Tim Hockenberry (plays piano, too)

Segment #6

We see the judges discussing the acts who have performed over the last couple of days.
Acts come out on stage and they tell them if they're in or not.

Little girl and father Duo - no
Comics - Three go home
Two go to New York
Dance Group - no
Kids - two and a group
Dance Group, mariachi kid, jewish kid - NY
Girl singer - NY
Country singer and asian singer - no
Two dance groups - NY
Two female singers - no
Dance groups - no
Singers - NY
Duets - NY (kid and girl, father daughter older)
Magicians - NY
Drag singer, group, older guy - NY
Drill Team - no
Groups - NY
BMXers, Ventriloquist - NY
Classical singers - No
The Goth Guy (sings alto/soprano) - no

Oh, man... Some of those I thought did great or would skate through this time, even with problems, are going home.  Especially The Goth Guy (Andrew).

If you read this, Andrew - Do what Howie said, and KEEP IT UP.  Most musicians get a LOT of rejections before they click with someone. Katy Perry said she did, too. So what does that tall you? (KEEP IT UP!) And remember, there have been times they've brought people back! (Judge's Favorites). Maybe...

2 hours Vegas Week Finale tomorrow. Cya then! ;-)

Monday, June 25, 2012

America's Got Talent (AGT) 2012 - 06/25/2012 - Vegas Week Show #1

I waited until now to start the review blog, as this is the first set of Vegas Week. The earlier shows are always frenetic, and it was a lot harder to keep track of who is going on and who isn't during the montages. And we didn't always get the names.

Judges are: Howard Stern (he's done a pretty damn good job, I believe), Sharon Osborne and Howie Mandel.

Everyone gathers together and the judges speak to them from the balcony. There are two groups: Judges' favorites - The ones they feel are the acts going through to the live shows. They will perform first. Stand-bys - The stand-bys will perform second for the remaining spots. Everyone is to go to a waiting area and read the lists. If their name is not on any list, they will not perform in Las Vegas, and will go home today.

July 27th - Vegas Week - They send some home, still, and some go on to the live shows without being seen again. There are 45 slots for the live shows.

We are not seeing the full act, but are seeing enough...

Danger Category (Outside for the BMXers)
All Wheel Sports - BMX, skaters, scooters, etc.
American BMX Stunt Team - MBX
New Guard America - Rifle Drill Team
Cristin Sandu - Balance act
Ben Blague - Crossbow act

Segment #2

Female Singers
Missed the name of the first girl
Roxy Doll
Brianna Price
Cecelia Delwiler
Luna - Going home right away
Nikki Jensen

Segment #3

Dance Groups
Funk Beyond Control
All That!
Loyalty Dance Team
787 Crew (There was a mistake, but it was a difficult stunt. Howard is Pro, Howie is Con immediately after the act.)

Segment #4

Novelty Acts
Horse ("King of Nut Shots") - Dumbest act ever
All Beef Patty (Drag singer)
Joe Castillo (Sand Painter)
Todd Oliver (and his dog) - Ventriloquism with a live dog)
Light Wire Theater
Aurora Light Painters

Segment #5

Classical Singers
Simply Sergio (forgot lyrics? was sick - Howie enjoys his "nuttiness")
Luiz Mengihan(sp? Sorry if it's wrong)
Andrew De Leon (Goth opera singer - Sings female part - audition was first time he'd ever sung in front of anyone - Howard said he blew it. Sharon - Such an individual ... so unique.)

I guess we'll see who gets through later this week. Most all we just saw did a good job, except for those whose nerves got to them. We'll have to see if they actually make it through.

There will be two more shows this week, Tuesday and Wednesday. See ya then. ;-)