Thursday, August 30, 2007

Garden Bar Free (Say it fast three times!)

To All Television and Radio Advertisers: Be VERY careful about word placement in your commercials.

I don't know how widespread the commercial is, but in Indianapolis, Ruby Tuesdays is advertising a meal where you get a "Garden Bar Free". This is repeated at least three times during the commercial and I swear to God, all I can here is the nonsensical phrase "Gard 'n' Barf Free".

PLEASE make sure you read the commercial copy aloud to yourself, and to at least a couple of people who don't know what it says. Yes... This is on TV. Yes... The words appear on the screen. But my TV is set beside me. I look at my computer screen most of the time, especially during commercials. So I HEAR them, rather than see them most of the time.

I swear, the first time I heard the ad, I nearly got whiplash twisting my head to see what was being advertised! If that ever happens, I guess I know some people with deep pockets I can sue for pain, medical and emotional distress, huh? ;-)


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