Monday, September 24, 2007

Be Careful Answering Work-At-Home Ads

I received an email on my OFP account, this weekend:

From: [removed email address to protect privacy]
To: [see Orange Frog Productions or leave a comment here]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 3:41 PM

I heard a commercial on Sirius Satellite radio about something called "". Have you heard of it and do you know if it is another scam?

Greg, NY

Now, I don't normally reply to requests like this, because it doesn't have to do specifically with a page on my site. But, because I DO have a Scams page dealing with Work-At-Home scams, because I've seen so many commercials on TV for Work-at-Home jobs, and there are so many ads in other media, I "took a quick look", and replied:


Online Business Systems

GlobalNet Marketing Solutions, Inc. is an advertising company that sells
Herbalife products and utilizes Online Business Systems as a marketing tool

The business appears to be based on an Amway/Quixtar model, and since the original founders of Amway have retired or died, Amway seems to be more interested in selling the business than their products, which makes them more of a pyramid scheme.

Amway PRODUCTS used to be very good products (and I assume still are). It is and was possible for entrepreneurs to make money (though, from my understanding and experience, not in the amount always dangled in front of distributors). It's also a way to learn about the complexities of business.

As with many other distributorships and in-home sales opps (Mary Kay, Amway, Quixtar, Avon come to mind), it depends on a number of things how much money you can make:

  • how many friends you have
  • how willing you are to sell them product and the business
  • how willing the friends are to refer you to their other friends
  • how outgoing and how good of a salesman you are (to recruit and sell to non-friends)
  • etc.

The costs of joining are noramlly relatively inexpensive. The cost of seminars promoting the business aspect are also not normally too expensive, compared to many others. However, those costs can add up quickly. The seminars are meant to keep you "pumped up" to keep selling, and to attempt to achieve what the speakers have. And the speakers are GOOD and motivational.

However, in my own and my parents' experiences with Amway, many years ago, while becoming a distributor means you can buy product at reduced cost (and the product almost always costs more than a comparable product would in a retail store), and this seems to be the only way you can GET the product for that price, that's not really a good reason to join.

Be VERY CAREFUL with any work-at-home offers. If it comes in spam emails, ignore them. If it's advertised on TV/Radio, in newspapers, magazines, on the internet, or any other media, search the internet for them. (Go to Google, and enter the name of the company in quotes, or their website) before signing up for anything associated.

Pay attention to scam and rip-off reports. While they may be disgruntled associates, former employees, etc., they also may give you an indication of what you may have to deal with. Read OFPv2 - Scams - Work-at-Home Scams Home and its links.

For more information, check out OFPv2 - Scams Home, OFPv2 - Shams (Infomercial Info) Home and OFPv2 - Shams - Business Opps Home and their links.

Bill Sanders

PS: I am going to post this on my blog (Me, Myself and I, not OFP), to help warn others. I will remove your email address.

A lot of the information provided was from personal experience and the links I suggested Greg read are to pages on my main site. However, for more about this specific ... "opportunity", check out the Google search results for, yourself.

I hope this helps others looking for Work-at-Home businesses.


1 comment:

K Brown said...

Just came across your post here and wanted to reply with a quick comment. I personally know from experience the Online Business System is a great company used by Herbalife distributors who want to make extra money. It really is a great way to grow your business so you earn extra money from day one. Using the Online business system actually allows you to meet up with customers online so you dont have to find your own customers. Be careful what you are listening to on the internet. Here's a link to their site - even if you dont want to get started you can at least talk to someone and get some real info!