Politics (The Edwards)
This may be a little early, but let's get this one out there right now.
John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, especially Elizabeth, have been in the news recently, since her announcement that her cancer had returned and had been found in her bones, confined to a rib and hip. Remember, shortly after the last presidential election, she announced she had breast cancer, that she'd found a lump a few weeks earlier during the campaign.
While grateful for the support of family, friends and strangers from around the world, Elizabeth and John do not want "sympathy votes":
I am also sure that I heard one of them state that just as you shouldn't vote for Hillary because she's a woman and you shouldn't vote for Barrack because he's black, then you shouldn't vote for John (Edwards) because his wife has cancer. This is about as clear as it gets."Do not vote for us because you feel some sympathy or compassion for us. That would be an enormous mistake,” Edwards told CBS’ “60 Minutes” in an interview airing Sunday night. “The vote for the presidency is far too important for any of those things to influence it. (source: MSNBC - AP Story)
Don't vote for someone just because of their race, gender, religion, illness, or ANYTHING, other than your belief in them and the way they will handle the issues important to YOU. Don't let anyone bully you, tease you, threaten you, or do ANYTHING that will sway your vote, if you don't want to. Don't NOT vote for someone because of an email (normally false or VERY slanted), or online video, or comedians, or anyone else has said they are not the right person. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. VOTE FOR WHOMEVER YOU BELIEVE IN.
A Little Civics Lesson
There's only ONE election during a presidential campaign when you MUST vote for a party, in general - If you're Republican, you can only vote for Republican candidates; If you're Democrat you can only vote for Democratic candidates. This is the PRIMARY election. The party is deciding, by democratic means, who the people in given areas want as a candidate for various offices.
In the GENERAL ELECTION (November), again, you should ALWAYS vote (regardless of the candidate's party or party-line) for the candidate YOU believe in. Here, you are deciding between two or more individual candidates (normally differing parties), who should run the office for the next few years (normally 2-4).
Then, whether you win or lose, whether you like what they're doing or not, you should SUPPORT the winners, because they were elected democratically, meaning the majority of the people believed in them.
Think of it like brothers, who are constantly bickering. They can say anything they want about each other, they can punch and fight each other, but if someone else says anything bad or punches one, the other will rush to his brother's defense. In America, it's more like we can complain, protest, bitch and moan about the way the government's being run, but if someone outside the US says or does anything to try to change that, we should rise to the defense of the government. After all, they are OUR duly-elected officials. Some we don't like we can change in two years, some in four. But again, it's MAJORITY RULE.
Again, don't vote for Hillary because she's a woman and "it's time" for a woman president. Don't vote for Barrack because he's black and "it's time" for a black president. Don't vote for John Edwards because his wife has cancer, and you're sympathetic. (Support Cancer Research if that's the case.)
Bill Sanders