Saturday, December 22, 2007


My wife tried to eat a little generic lightly sweetened cereal with marshmallow bits, and didn't like them. The marshmallow bits were too sweet for her, and the cereal not quite sweet enough. She asked "Where are the Alpha-Bits?" I started looking online to find out if I could find some place that sold it regularly. Well, apparently, Kraft Foods pulled them, after trying a no-sugar variety.

I know there are others out there who can't believe that Alpha-Bits Cereal, by Post, now owned by Kraft Foods, but being sold shortly, are no longer regularly available at any grocery store. Apparently, they will still do occassional "special editions" - We found them at a Super Wal-Mart a few weeks ago), but 1) you never know how long they will remain "on the shelves", and 2) you never know how FAST they will leave the shelves!

I know that one of the reasons many mention is the reason they are no longer available has to do with the fact that American kids are becoming obese. HOWEVER, how can they use this excuse to get rid of whole-grain Alpha-Bits (not the crappy NO SUGAR variety, either - That didn't work at all), but NOT get rid of "Golden Crisp", formerly known as Super Sugar Crisp, whose commercials starred Sugar Bear; Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles, which SURELY has more sugar in them than Alpha-Bits, and that melt into a gooey mass the second you pour milk on them; Honey Comb, a "poor-man's" Alpha-Bits, that has the same problem with melting, albeit slower, as Pebbles, and tastes like a light, air-filled Alpha-Bits; Frosted Shredded Wheat, which OBVIOUSLY has more sugar ON it than regular Alpha-Bits (but probably not Frosted Alpha-Bits)?

Kids are becoming obese because of video-games, television, working parents who buy fast-food and pizza all the time for lunch and supper, lack of "playing outside" (usually for safety concerns), being driven EVERYWHERE (even down the block), etc. Not because they had a bowl of sweetened cereal in the morning!

While Post may be number three in the cereal battle, and apparently stagnent in sales, it seems to me that they could raise some of their bottom line by putting cereals that everyone knows and loves (Alpha-Bits for sure) back on the shelves. I would also venture to say that they could sell quite well in larger batches, online, etc. Well, if and when the RalCorp sale goes through, hopefully it will make them enough money to bring Alpha-Bits back as a regular. (And no screwing around with the recipe, coating, whatever. You can try out different versions after you get the real stuff going! ;-) )

And, while I know the slower-selling products get removed from grocery shelves, it would seem that, say, an online grocery or specialty shop could sell them, still relatively inexpensively, and still make a profit.

Anyway, that's my take on the Alpha-Bit thing. (My wife and I love those things for snacks - with and without milk!)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Watch for Work-At-Home Scams

Over the past two-to-three weeks I've received about 30 work-at-home and job scams, with more coming in daily. I'm putting them on my website at OFPv2/SSFF - Scams - Work-At-Home Scams Home, Examples. It takes a little while to do the research on them, so it's going MUCH slower than I'd prefer. Still, please be sure to check them out so you know which job offers YOU receive are scams ... And check back regularly, as I am trying to enter new examples as fast as I can.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Strange Creature in Our Yard

I saw the strangest bug today. I'd seen a couple around here before, but hadn't had the wherewithall or energy to grab the camera and take some shots. Besides, if I remember right, one of them landed on my arm, and it freaked me right out... I brushed it right off and it disappeared.

I spent most of the afternoon, after downloading the pix trying to find information on it on the net. I figured it was unique enough that some of the words I used would bring it right up. NOPE! So, I continued to search. My wife thought it was funny that 3-4 hours later I was still searching for it. Well, I finally found it. (WAY too many hours later to mention here!)

Wheel Bug aka an Assassin Bug aka a True Bug on my porch rail That creature is a Wheel Bug aka an Assassin Bug aka a True Bug. It's called a Wheel Bug because of that ... "wheel" on it's back. Actually, when I was searching, I started looking for dinosaurs, because it reminded me of the one with the rounded "fin" on it's back, but I gave up looking for the specific name. Picture of ramp to show how long rail is It was on the rail of the ramp out our front door. I'd watched it walk part way up the rail and across the porch rail before I got the camera and this shot. (I have a Kodak DC3400 Zoom Digital Camera. The picture was center-weighted, and I was trying to use the close-up capabilities. They failed for most shots but for the ones I'm displaying here. I really HAVE to read the instructions, sometime!)

Wheel Bug side shotBack to the bug... He stopped on the corner of the porch rail, and appeared to be weighing his options. For some attempted shots, I raised the camera up in front of him, and he backed up a touch, like you would when something appeared out of nowhere in front of you... (and you'd go "Whoa!!!) But, even so, he didn't seem too intimidated. Then, he turned and walked back down the rail, dodging the camera by slipping off the top to walk on the side a bit. I watched him walk all the way (about 15-20 feet or so) to the end, and stop to "weigh his options". He was walking back up to the corner of the porch when I came in to start searching.

Wheel Bug top shot

I tried:

  • insect indiana leaf
  • insect serrated thorax
  • indiana bug brown "2 inches" wings
  • insect indiana serrated leaf gray
  • bugs indiana leaf

and various other combinations, including dropping "indiana". I looked mostly in Google's images, though I probably should have just used Google and pulled up a few of the first pages. Oh, well... I can be tenacious when I want to be.

I found quite a few pages on the thing, which I knew I would, once I knew the actual name. If you're interested, check out. What's That Bug, Assassin Bugs, Bug Guide: Wheel Bugs, and Wikipedia: Wheel Bug, among MANY others. (Like I said... Once you know the name, you can find BUNCHES of them.)

I just thought some of you might be interested because...

  • It is a strange creature - Looks like something out of Space Troopers(?) and various other sci-fi movies
  • It's considered an Assassin Bug (kills soft PEST bugs by grabbing them with the front legs, stabbing its long probiscus into them, exuding some type of enzyme that turns their insides to mush, and sucks 'em dry)
  • It's bite while not exactly poisonous (it shouldn't kill you), can be quite painful, take weeks to heal, and can leave a scar
  • The "wheel" doesn't appear until they are adults, after 4-5 moltings.

Strange what you can find in your own back yard, huh?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Marion Jones

In case you missed it, Marion Jones, 3-time gold and 2-time silver medalist in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, has pled guilty to two counts of lying twice to federal officials about doping (steroid use). (See LA Times - Marion Jones pleads guilty to lying about steroid use.) Both these times were after she won the medals, and, apparently, after she found out that she had been doping. (She says her trainer gave her "the Clear", beginning in September 2000 to July 2001, telling her it was flax-seed oil from 1999, and she didn't find out until November 2003. (See The Guardian (online newspaper from the UK) Jones may lose Olympic medals.)

Now, while I haven't been paying attention the Barry Bonds thing, apparently, this is the same excuse that Bonds used (that his trainer told him it was flaxseed oil).

Ya know... Trainers are responsible for the atheletes they train (be it team trainers, personal trainers, whatever). They and the atheletes know what's legal and what's not legal. There have been plenty of cases (seems in the last few Olympics), where atheletes have failed their "pee test", and banned substances were found.

The majority of atheletes really want to win (they don't do it for the experience or parties or whatever). They are competitive. And they all know the rules - If caught taking banned substances they will be kicked out of the Games, most will be stripped of any medals they won, and they will serve at least a few year ban. Most atheletes, especially in the Olympics, have just a few years when they are in their "prime" to win medals. And, I choose to believe that most will NOT take anything that runs the risks listed above. I DID say MOST, because there are SOME who will, and SOME whose parents will push them to, and SOME who are just trying to "pull the wool" over people's eyes.

I have much less trust in the individuals' trainers, though. How easy would it be to train a teenager for the Olympics and, if they don't perform to their expectations, convince them that the drug you are asking them to take is NOT a banned substance, though they know it is? I recall a young girl given some kind of cold or allergy medicine that apparently had a banned steroid in it. Whether the trainer knew or not, s/he should have checked. The athelete was dismissed from the games, and accused of doping. Did the Olympic committee whose responsibility is checking for doping CARE that the girl was young? I hope so. Did they then check to find out what she was given and by whom? I believe so. Was the amount of the banned substance found in the blood/urine enough to REALLY give her a performance advantage, or a high? I doubt it very much. And there are MANY OTC medicines which contain at least ONE of the banned substances. If an athelete has a headache or muscle-ache, what can they take? Ibuprophin (Motrin)? Acetemetiphone (Tylenol)? Naproxin (Alieve)? Asperin (Asperin)? And if they ARE told that's what they're taking, why would they disbelieve the trainer who spent the last few months or years with them? What if they get an OTC from their parents? Or are they just supposed to suffer?

Now that they can test for banned substances, they need to be able to test for the LEVEL, and before a person gets banned... from the individual game, the full Games, and the sport they grew up loving. 14yo kids should NOT be BANNED for years or life because they simply had a banned substance in their systems if they didn't know. (Lie detector tests can verify this.) The Olympics committee knows how long substances remain the bloodstream and urine. THAT'S how long they should be banned. If a trainer gave an athelete something and the athelete didn't know, that trainer should be banned for LIFE from the games in which they were caught.

Ok... What does this say about Pete Rose? Bonds? McGuire? and others? - Steroids in baseball is only going to give that athelete strength. It is NOT going to improve his eyesight, eye-hand-coordination, or timeing. Ok... it might help his speed a little, but to get a home run, you still have to hit that 9 to 9-1/2 inch circumference (see rule 1.09 - BTW: That's 2.86" to 3.04" diameter), 5 to 5-1/4 ounce sphere with a "smooth, round stick not more than 23/4 inches in diameter at the thickest part and not more than 42 inches in length" (see rule 1.10). Should Rose be banned from the Hall of Fame? No... I don't think so. Enhanced or not, he set records doing something that while almost everyone can play, few can do as well. (From my understanding, he even bet on the games he played, FOR HIS TEAM. If he'd bet on the other team and his lost, that would be a different story, wouldn't it?

Ok... Let's give Marion Jones (remember her?) the benefit of the doubt, and she didn't know she was taking steroids when she won. What she DID do was lie about it after she DID find out. Now, think about this: If you were an athelete, and found out after the fact that you won those medals while on performance-enhancing drugs, would YOU want to tell ANYONE?

And what about that 14yo who had a banned substance in her system, not her fault, and only because she took an OTC for a cold or aches?

I understand that we want our atheletes "clean and sober". I'm from Indiana, near Indianapolis, and any time a Pacers or Colts player is in the news, I hate it when it's something negative they did. Do I blame them? Not all the time. I try to find out what happened... What "spin" EVERYONE is putting on the story. If I believe the athelete, then I don't care. If not, get them off the team, they're only ruining it for those who are following the rules.

As for Marion... Should she lose her medals? Well, I'm not sure as far as the steroids are concerned, and the fact that they would have to give one of her gold medals to 2nd place, who I understand is coming off a two-year ban for steroid use, kinda makes it seem hypocritical, doesn't it?

Should she lose her medals because she lied to the feds about it? NO. Atheletes are just people who's job is a sport. They get in trouble in various ways, just like "regular" people do. Should she pay for lying? YES. And it shouldn't be any more than any other celebrities get for lying to the feds. But if that's the only reason for taking the medals away, she SHOULD NOT lose them.

What do you think?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

WARNING - Work-at-Home Scam

I recently published a page on OFP about a Work-at-Home scam I got recently.

Apparently, either my "job coach" or I applied to a position on CareerBuilder for a part-time job. (This is questionable, since I'm looking for full-time work, but we have applied to some that are supposed to be part-time leading to full-time... It's also questionable, since I can't find any sent email message, any notification, or anything else that would "prove" I applied. Be that as it may...) I received an email saying that job was no longer available, but they had another one, and to link "to their clients'" careers page.

What? I know of NO recruiters who will link you directly to a client's webpage. How would the client know who referred you to them?

Going to the site, everything looked pretty good. The site was a "full" site (multiple pages, all with pertinent info on them), names were named, a group picture was displayed, etc. The job looked pretty good, until I hit the "process" part. Then it it me that I'd seen the same job scams offered through spam emails.

The idea is you work as an "independent contractor", meaning you handle your reporting and paying of your own taxes. They will send you checks, which they want you to deposit into your account, and cash out 95% (The 0ther 5% is your "compensation"/"commission"). You will then take the cash to Western Union (or some other company that wires money), and wire it to another location. You will then call them, let them know it's there, give them pertinent info to retrieve the cash, and that's it. The amounts are under what is required to be reported immediately to the IRS, and they promise you will receive a 1099 to help report it as an independent contractor. Sounds easy doesn't it?

The amounts are what a paycheck or contract would be so they don't look suspicious. Problem is they are bad or forged checks. This will leave YOU on the hook for the amounts the bank paid out (and you probably already spent), and if you don't pay it back into the account, you could be arrested, prosecuted. and jailed for passing bad checks.

If you want more information, on the email, the site, and what I found, check out my page at

For more on this and other Work-at-Home scams (Assembly work at home, Chain Letter, Envelope Stuffing, MLM (Multi-Level Marking), Online Business, Processing Medical Insurance Claims, and Processing Bank Transactions for Overseas (and Domestic!) Businesses, and links for even MORE information, see

And, for more on VARIOUS scams (email, snail-mail, phone, fraud and phishing, etc.), see

And BE CAREFUL out there!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Be Careful Answering Work-At-Home Ads

I received an email on my OFP account, this weekend:

From: [removed email address to protect privacy]
To: [see Orange Frog Productions or leave a comment here]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 3:41 PM

I heard a commercial on Sirius Satellite radio about something called "". Have you heard of it and do you know if it is another scam?

Greg, NY

Now, I don't normally reply to requests like this, because it doesn't have to do specifically with a page on my site. But, because I DO have a Scams page dealing with Work-At-Home scams, because I've seen so many commercials on TV for Work-at-Home jobs, and there are so many ads in other media, I "took a quick look", and replied:


Online Business Systems

GlobalNet Marketing Solutions, Inc. is an advertising company that sells
Herbalife products and utilizes Online Business Systems as a marketing tool

The business appears to be based on an Amway/Quixtar model, and since the original founders of Amway have retired or died, Amway seems to be more interested in selling the business than their products, which makes them more of a pyramid scheme.

Amway PRODUCTS used to be very good products (and I assume still are). It is and was possible for entrepreneurs to make money (though, from my understanding and experience, not in the amount always dangled in front of distributors). It's also a way to learn about the complexities of business.

As with many other distributorships and in-home sales opps (Mary Kay, Amway, Quixtar, Avon come to mind), it depends on a number of things how much money you can make:

  • how many friends you have
  • how willing you are to sell them product and the business
  • how willing the friends are to refer you to their other friends
  • how outgoing and how good of a salesman you are (to recruit and sell to non-friends)
  • etc.

The costs of joining are noramlly relatively inexpensive. The cost of seminars promoting the business aspect are also not normally too expensive, compared to many others. However, those costs can add up quickly. The seminars are meant to keep you "pumped up" to keep selling, and to attempt to achieve what the speakers have. And the speakers are GOOD and motivational.

However, in my own and my parents' experiences with Amway, many years ago, while becoming a distributor means you can buy product at reduced cost (and the product almost always costs more than a comparable product would in a retail store), and this seems to be the only way you can GET the product for that price, that's not really a good reason to join.

Be VERY CAREFUL with any work-at-home offers. If it comes in spam emails, ignore them. If it's advertised on TV/Radio, in newspapers, magazines, on the internet, or any other media, search the internet for them. (Go to Google, and enter the name of the company in quotes, or their website) before signing up for anything associated.

Pay attention to scam and rip-off reports. While they may be disgruntled associates, former employees, etc., they also may give you an indication of what you may have to deal with. Read OFPv2 - Scams - Work-at-Home Scams Home and its links.

For more information, check out OFPv2 - Scams Home, OFPv2 - Shams (Infomercial Info) Home and OFPv2 - Shams - Business Opps Home and their links.

Bill Sanders

PS: I am going to post this on my blog (Me, Myself and I, not OFP), to help warn others. I will remove your email address.

A lot of the information provided was from personal experience and the links I suggested Greg read are to pages on my main site. However, for more about this specific ... "opportunity", check out the Google search results for, yourself.

I hope this helps others looking for Work-at-Home businesses.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Biggest Loser 2007


Some of the commercials shown during the two hour Biggest Loser season premier, this year were:

Domino's new Oreo Dessert Pizza

Arby's 5 Pepper-Jack Roast Beef sandwich deal

Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar

I probably missed a few, because I've gotten used to turning to my computer for the commercials.

These commercials may have been local, which means the network shows may not have control over them.

Yes, they had "diet" and healthy foods commercials, too, but don't you think the Biggest Loser (NBC), Fat March (ABC) and other weight-loss shows (including Montel, Dr Phil, Oprah, and other talk shows who run "specials" on weight loss) should pay attention to who is advertising during their time-slots? If they can't, don't you think the local stations should pay attention?

I know they can't control everything, necessarily, but I've seen this way too many times, and commented to my wife, my kids, and anyone else with whom we're watching, even over the internet (IM). I think it's strange ...

  • when "natural" proponents on a talk show have fast-food advertising...
  • when Dr Oz on Oprah talking about how fat is formed and what you SHOULD eat has fast-food and snack commercials ...
  • when someone's talking about how drinking ruined their life, and a beer or wine commercials is shown ...
  • when ... you get the idea

Local or national ads ... Ironic, ain't it.


Monday, September 03, 2007

Terry Fator

Well... I blew it... I didn't realize that Terry (Winner of America's Got Talent, this year) was going to be on Jerry's Telethon, and missed it. Heck... I forgot all about the telethon, itself. First time in YEARS I didn't watch at least part of it!

But, if you hit here first, and want to find out about Terry (and if you missed America's Got Talent, you missed a BUNCH - check out my other blogs about that), here's his website:, and here's his MySpace page: Be sure to see his corporate entertainer video (probably a little better at MySpace, though, if you're looking to hire him, you might want to go through his website.

Congratulations, again, Terry. Good Luck. Hope to see you on TV again, soon.


Michael Vick

Should Michael Vick be banned from NFL Football? Not necessarily. In case you missed it, he's the NFL quarterback who pled guilty to funding and providing property for dog fights, and being present as those dogs who didn't perform well in the fights were put to death.

So, he has pled guilty, and stated in a press conference, that he did it - He's admitted his culpability. That's more than many politicians are willing to do. He said it was "immature" of him to do so... Cut the crap, Vick... You did it. Maturity had nothing to do with it. You knew it was wrong, you knew it was illegal, and yet you still funded, provided a place, and at least watched it, and the deaths of dogs. This may be ok in other nations, but in the US, canines (wild and domestic) are friends. We see them on TV all the time (How many dog-food commercials have you seen TODAY? Many "family" shows have pet dogs in them, too.) We make movies about them (Incredible Journey, Benji, Beethovan, Old Yeller, The Shaggy Dog, to name a few). They are our babies (Leona Hemsley just left $12M to her lap dog, because he provided "unconditional love", and when he dies, wants him buried in the vault with her; Many celebrities are seldom seen without their dogs, and Paris Hilton is now starting a clothing line for dogs. Chicken fights would be bad enough, but DOG fights? GEEZE! Immature? That's crap. Vick's old enough to know better (but to young to resist? GEEZE!). Just say you're guilty and want to redeem yourself.

Can he redeem himself?

Think about this, people.

  • We have professional sports players accused of starting bar fights, driving drunk (some causing accidents), shooting guns in the air (or at people), taking drugs, and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have players accused of taking steroids (oh, boy!) in their early careers, before steroids were banned; accused of taking steroids, now, and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have race drivers (and others) who drive drunk, sometimes causing accidents and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have popular, some not-so-popular, famous and infamous celebrities, especially those our children like, who take drugs, drive drunk, hurt people, do stupid shit (and because of paparazzi, it's all caught on camera), and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have rappers and their entourages carrying guns and knives, beating and shooting each other and others, and we STILL allow them to become popular - and when they do, most redeem themselves, at least to a point.
  • We have referees, umpires, etc., gambling on games they call. I guess in this case, we'll see if they can redeem themselves...
Now, why can't we let Vick?

How can he redeem himself?

First, why throw him in jail? If it's a mandatory sentence, he should pay it, but otherwise, it's not going to help. Fine him big time. AND, the judge could/should make community service be working in a humane society and/or rescue shelter. Not in the office or doing commercials only, but dealing with the cruelty that some idiots and others inflict on animals, especially dogs. Vick's national... He should work in some of those places shown on the Animal Planet's Animal Cops shows.

Second, Vick has made and still makes lots of money with and FOR the NFL, so should NOT be thrown out. When the community service is complete, Vick himself (if he wants the world to believe in his redemption spirit), or maybe the NFL should restructure his contract, and require that the majority of his salary (at least for a time) be used to build and/or fund humane societies, rescue groups, animal rescue hosptials, scholarships for veterinarians, dog parks, etc. After the initial period, and even before, he should speak to children, young adults, and others about the reasons he got into the dog fighting (some sports guys think it was more his "friends" than him), and why they should pick friends with good values. He should then donate a majority (if not all) of the speaking fees to the same types of places listed above.

Third, He should probably make PSAs about animal cruely and (for the young and young adults, alike) picking the right kinds of friends.

If Vick would even do PART of the above, especially voluntarily, I think it would go a long way toward redeeming him in the eyes of many people.

What do you think?


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Garden Bar Free (Say it fast three times!)

To All Television and Radio Advertisers: Be VERY careful about word placement in your commercials.

I don't know how widespread the commercial is, but in Indianapolis, Ruby Tuesdays is advertising a meal where you get a "Garden Bar Free". This is repeated at least three times during the commercial and I swear to God, all I can here is the nonsensical phrase "Gard 'n' Barf Free".

PLEASE make sure you read the commercial copy aloud to yourself, and to at least a couple of people who don't know what it says. Yes... This is on TV. Yes... The words appear on the screen. But my TV is set beside me. I look at my computer screen most of the time, especially during commercials. So I HEAR them, rather than see them most of the time.

I swear, the first time I heard the ad, I nearly got whiplash twisting my head to see what was being advertised! If that ever happens, I guess I know some people with deep pockets I can sue for pain, medical and emotional distress, huh? ;-)


Friday, August 24, 2007

Viva Viagra

If you've not seen the commercial, check it out here...

Ah... You're back. What did you think?

Apparently, others have noted this commercial and hate it - I would guess that most of those would be the ones who don't really watch TV, but have it on as background noise; and those who think Elvis was a god; and those who think that songs cannot be parodied or certain songs or those by certain people should not be used in ANY commercials. I was looking around on the net to figure out 1) who sang the song; and 2) who were the actors in the commercial (and did THEY sing it?) Although there are about 50,000 Google-searched links out there that mention "Viva Viagra", only one place mentioned that it MIGHT be "the Swinging Johnsons/Johnson Brothers" singing it. (And THAT might very well be a tongue-in-cheek reply!) But in leafing through the pages of the Google results and spot-checking a few, I found a lot of people don't like the commercial!

  • Some think it's creepy... There are a buncha guys in an old garage or shop, singing about Viagra, and there's not a chick in sight! But they say nothing about all the other garage bands out there, who practice without their girlfriends, wives, kids, etc. And many of them still do sing love songs. Why isn't THAT creepy? LOL
  • Some think it's irresponsible of Pfizer to promote Viagra this way - You know... a fun, well-done parody of a popular song, with no mention that Viagra doesn't stop STDs. Well, I like this approach MUCH better than the creepy 50s father with the adoring wife and stupid open-mouth grin on his face because he's FOUND Viagra! GEEZE! Talk about creepy!
  • Still others think it promotes the use of Viagra as a "recreational" drug, for those who don't have ED, especially using the Viva Las Vegas song... That except for one or two of the guys in the commercial, most are in the late 40s and early 50s and shouldn't NEED it. (After all... Didn't Bob Dole and a couple of other octagenarians advertise it?) Well, think about this... There are other diseases and treatments that otherwise healthy men of ANY age can "get" and have, that can cause ED - diabetes and high blood-pressure to name two. There are also medical treatments that can cause ED. If Viagra or one of the other ED drugs can be used and help, if YOU had the problem, wouldn't YOU want to use them?
  • And there are those that think Viagra is too well-known to advertise. Are you shitting me? What about Aspirin? Doesn't EVERYBODY know that aspirin can help when you're having a stroke or heart attack? Doesn't EVERYBODY know that it helps aches and pains? So why are THEY still advertising? Doesn't EVERYBODY know know that BEEF... is for dinner? That milk does a body good? That Wonder Bread helps build strong bones? That Pork is the "other white meat"? That... So why are we still seeing advertisements for them?
Personally, I like it. I know... I know... I've just blasphemed about the god Elvis and his works, but forget THAT for a moment... and forget for a moment that it's a Viagra commercial - The song is really well-done... The edits in the commercial are well-done... The actors in the commercial (I swear I've seen at least 3-4 of them in SOMETHING (separately, of course)), "fit the part", look like they're really singing the song (if they aren't), and are obviously having a blast being in a band. (All you guys and girls my age who used to play an instrument, or still do, and aren't IN a band... Doesn't it make you want to try to start a band like that? And NO... We would NOT be singing "Viva Viagra"!) And you and those who are CURRENTLY in bands - Don't you wish you had a place out in the boonies where you could practice without the neighbors limiting when you could, and possi-proba-bly calling the cops on you for being loud?

Give it a break and get over it. It's a freaking commercial. If you can't sit through 30-60 seconds of something you don't like... It's almost as bad as those people who change channels on the radio when a song they don't like plays... It's only going to be on for 3-5 minutes. Turn it down enough to just hear when it's over! GEEZE! If you don't like a commercial, when it starts, pick your butt up off the couch and go to the bathroom... Let or take the dog out... Go to the kitchen and get a drink or something to munch on... Read a story in the paper... SOMETHING... And QUICHERBICHIN!

Oh, yeah... Anyone know who sings the song and who the actors in the commercial are? I'd really like to know.

Speaking of drug commercials - Has anyone else noticed the prolifieration of drug dealers on the street? Sure... They're over-the-counter drugs, but they are still drug dealers giving out "free samples", right? The Zantac (FAST) guy? All those people who notice a family member/friend/collegue in distress and say "try this" medicine? Anyone remember the Phillips Milk of Magnesia lady? Why isn't anyone going after them. And no... Those advertising a drug by describing it are not the same. Think about it.

Ok... 'nuff for now.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

America's Got Talent

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Terry Fator won! If you missed it, check out the AGT website and to the two-minute recaps.

I feel sorry for Cas Haley, because if Terry hadn't been in the competition, he'd have won it, hands down.

I still think America was off a little with Butterscotch and Julienne Irwin in the final four instead of the Glamazons and Sideswipe, but I guess America spoke.

But Terry won it! Lets hope we see more of him than we did of Bianca Ryan. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of her, too, but why is it we see more of second-place American Idols than we do of the winners? Why? I mean I know we fall in love with the people we see on TV fairly regularly and like, but why not the winners?

Anyway, Terry's slated to play in Vegas, soon. I'm sure he'll be in demand for some time, now the shows over. Cas will too.

In fact, like I said before, I hope that producers and A&R people ARE paying attention to this show... Butterscotch, Julienne, the Glamazons, Robert Hatcher, Jason Pritchett, and others deserve a chance, and they all have followings from the show. Get on it fast!


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

MORE Annoying Commercials

Geiko - The one where the guy laughs and makes weird faces and noises on his webcam (original video that was edited into the commercial)? Then it goes to a mattress joust in a dorm hallway (original video). The voice-over says something about there being a better way to spend time on the internet. It's not that the commercial was annoying to start with... The problem is that they continue to air it, almost as often as they aired the caveman, to start with, before they created different ones. There are plenty of other viral videos out there they could find and use (except, I guess they'd have to pay the owners to use them...) Even so... I CANNOT be the only one who finds this one annoying.

Subway Scrabble - I can see at least three people who would and probably SHOULD have the crap beat out of them. 1) The guy walks out the door as a couple is walking in, and shakes wet off his head, all over the girl. Why did the boyfriend just stand there like a dufus? The guy SHOULD have at least been arrested for battery. 2) The guy sitting at the table who peals off the piece and throws his whole drink, TWICE, over the family sitting across the aisle from him ... AND THEY JUST SMILE at him! Their own meal's ruined with the liquid, and they have (most-likely) sugary, therefore STICKY, pop all over them. I REALLY doubt if this happened in real-life, they'd be smiling. 3) Just before they cut away from this scene, a lady in the foreground does the same to another family. These people would be KILLED IMMEDIATELY in some neighborhoods... If not killed outright, they'd have the shit beat out of them. And again, every single one of them should be arrested for battery, if not assault.

Oh... And Mercedes Benz Summer Love event - The song they play is the first part of Sam Cooke's "(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons". Apparently, it was written with all the "I Love You's" in it, but Sam was the only person who recorded it to include it. While a once-in-a-blue-moon things would probably be ok, it's played at least 2-3 times a night... To be honest, that might be on different channels, but still... 1) It's the classic commercial overuse of a certain part of a song, making not only the commercial completely annoying, but simply because of the commercial, many will NOT like the artist - Is this unfair... Yes, but if you buy an album (Remember... I'm old - Ok... CD or DVD) it's on, would you REALLY want to hear the damn commercial every time you listen to it?; 2) Yes... It will help me remember Mercedes, however, it will just be another reason, (besides price) I would never want one!

KIA Spectra's "Save the Greenbacks" commercial is beginning to annoy me, too. Stupid. (click the screens to see short versions of the current commercials).

Enough for now... TTYL

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

America's Got Talent

What the heck happened? They dropped two people from 10 last week, and four from eight this week? I could see dropping two a week, but ...

Cas Haley (Reggae Singer/Musician), Terry Fator (Ventriloquist/Comedian/Mimic), Butterscotch (Beatbox/Singer), and Julienne Irwin (14yo singer).

Those that made it to this show besides them were: Robert Hatcher (Singer), Jason Pritchett (Singer/Musician), The Glamazons (BBW Burlesque singing group), and Sideswipe (Martial Arts Dancers).

I think there are mistakes here, America. While they are good, Butterscotch and Julienne shouldn't have made it over the Glamzaons and Sideswipe. Why? Because they are "just singers". I think that's why Robert and Jason didn't make it into the group.

But why are we even talking about this? Why did they drop half the freakin' group? Why not only two this week, then two next week, THEN the final? I think they put too many shows on at the beginning of the show (the setup before America votes), and had to cut the rest short. Maybe next year we'll see some of these people back, but, then again, maybe we'll only be able to vote once! GEEZE!

And last year, before the final, they had celebrities help the acts chose their songs and what they did. Will they this year for the last show? They are saying this is the finale. It can't be... They have to let us vote one more time and have a results show.

Now one good thing for EVERYONE in the show... It's exposure. Robert said he'd go home and wait for record companies to call him. (Yeah... It MIGHT happen, but...) Hopefully there ARE A&R people watching. Hopefully there ARE producers, and others watching. Because there are those, even in the first shows, that didn't make it, simply because they had to choose a limited number of spaces. Now why they chose SOME of them (the "Ballywood dancer", Leonid, and some others), HAD to be because of the controvery they'd evoke, both with other judges and America, rather than the talent they showed.

But America... VOTE... VOTE for the GOOD ones... Vote for the unique ones. Hell... Even Butterscotch is unique as hell... How many people can do the beatbox and sing at the same time? Still, I liked the Glamazons and Sideswipe better.

Well, I guess we'll find out... Personally, I think Terry Fater should win. Will he? We'll know next week. I think it's between him and Cas Haley. We'll see...

Oh yeah... If you missed some of the episodes, here's a link to the AGT website and to the two-minute recaps.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

America's Got Talent and All-Bran Commercial

America's Got Talent

Thank GAWD the American public did NOT allow through some of those voted through from the early shows: Leonid (*GAK* Yes... He was back), Boy Shakira (*SHUDDER*) / Boy Brittany (*SHIVER*), and the dude they called "Ballywood" (OMG - strange dancing, probably better than I could, but nothing worth a million dollars!).

If you missed some of the episodes, here's a link to the AGT website
and to the two-minute recaps.

Here are my choices for the finals, in order, top pick to bottom:

Terry Fator (Ventriloquist)

Cas Haley (Singer)

The Glamzons (Plus-size singing group - Burlesque-style dress)

Sideswipe (Martial Arts Dancing)

Butterscotch (Beat-Box singer)

Calypso Tumblers (uh... Tumblers)

If there were any other videos of them, I missed them.

All-Bran Commercial

OMG! Has anybody else noticed the explicit symbolism in the new All-Bran "10-Day to a Better You Challenge" commercial? (See it HERE). The one where the construction guy on a construction site descibes how it helped his constipation? In case you missed it, there's a beam in a narrow "window slit", and at the right moment, it is pushed through to the ground (our side of the wall). Then, he's standing with one leg up on something, and behind him, a truck dumps 55 gallon drums (or kegs?) ... The thing is, the level of the truck, and the way he's standing, it ... appears ... to be coming out his ass. Then, the finale, he's still extolling the virtures of All-Bran and how it helped, and a dump-truck dumps a load of bricks. This HAS to be one of THE MOST exlicit symbolism in American commercials today! (And I found out today, that it COULD have been WORSE! - Director's Cut (so to speak))

See ya soon.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Scam Alert

I've published a new page on OFP related to some emails I received yesterday. They contained the subjects

You've received a greetingecard from a Neighbor!
You've received a postcard from a School mate!
Note that neither mention a name, which is one of the warning signs. See my experience, full examples, and a link to a Scam Alert about these at OFPv2/Scams - Malware Email Examples #009-011.

I've also added some correspondence I had about my OFPv2/Shams - NRPI page, and sent a letter to the editors of the Lebanon, Indiana Reporter and Indianapolis Star newspapers concerning the cemteries article I mentioned last week.

Other than that, I've been researching the William J (or G) Laughner family in Tennessee and Boone County, having problems finding them in 1850 (they're supposed to be in Boone County). They seem to tie a lot of my peripheral families together.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Stuff on OFP, Genealogy and the Media

I've put a few more pages on OFP. I:

The last one ties in with my "Losing History" blog posts here.

Otherwise, I've been looking for a job - had a couple of "phone-screen" interviews, and haven't heard anything back, yet.

I've also been researching and entering more and more people into my Genealogy Database. I now have 11,372 Individuals, 3855 Families, and 405 Sources. Every time I think I was wrong about my extended family (those in my DB) having come to Central Indiana and making it pretty much what you see today from heavy woods and forests, I find even more who came at around the same time. And whenever I drive through some of the "woods" we have left, and think about it, it absolutely amazes me that most of Central Indiana was completely covered like this, and people in MY family came here with their families, and cleared a lot of it to make the farmland we drive through the majority of the time, with just axes, hoes, saws, horse-drawn plows, blood, sweat, and tears.

If that can't stir your interest in genealogy (where and when were YOUR family here, and who were they?) then I don't know what will.

Oh, yeah... We went to see the travelling Vietnam Memorial Wall in Colfax last weekend. After going the length of the wall, we stopped and talked to a couple of soldiers who were on one of the armed transport vehicles there - One had been to Iraq and the other wanted to go, but they don't need the job he does.

More people should talk to more of the soldiers who have been there and WANT to go or go back. My wife is adamantly anti-war, but seemed to soften her tone once she talked to these guys. The guy who had gone said he had six kids, and not only is willing to go back, but WANTS to, because he thought of HIS kids when he saw all of the kids there. Under Saddam, the kids all ate what was thrown out in the garbage. And the insurgents don't give a shit (he didn't say that, I did) about who gets injured and killed, including women, children, old people, and other non-combatants, as long as they get a bunch. He talked about the media and how they do interviews for hours with these guys, and only show the few parts where they may say they wished they were home. The media also doesn't show the kids coming up and hugging the soldiers, the people who are so happy we're there and don't want us to leave... they show the killings and blood and guts, because that's what sells! I said something about the protests about us being there reported, and he said something like "You get 50-100,000 people protesting in a city the size of Indianapolis with a population of Indy, New York and Chicago combined; point the cameras at them, and they will yell." It happens here, too. Even my wife said that everyone should talk to those who were there... And don't get one view, but get many. (Talk to the guys who tell you about the good we've been doing there... The media will show you the problems... )

Holy Shit! Doesn't EVERYONE understand that? We go to NASCAR and other races to see the stars and the CRASHES, of course hoping nobody gets hurt... (I hope!) We wanna see THE BIG ONE! Why are the "X" games so big? Because while they have great stunts, they also have spectacular crashes! No matter WHAT anyone says about Sex and Violence on TV, that's what sells the most! Well, in Iraq, it's what sells, too. Hasn't anyone else noticed that the media only report on the controversies? They don't report on the good things that happen, only the bad.

I've noticed that the Mississippi Coast has been advertising recently. Have we heard anything about New Orleans or the other Gulf cities and towns so devastated by Katrina? What about the rebuilding in the Tsunami zone, where so much media was reporting about so much death and destruction? No one is there talking about how things are going now. If they do, they send a 2nd-tier reporter, and MIGHT give them 2-3 minutes. Then its back to scandal, conflict, death and destruction.

Come on America. They do the same thing with Politics (report only on the controversies, the "flip-flops" and the gaffes (mistakes)), and if they can, they MAKE it happen. Very few people watched the Democratic You-Tube debate, if Jay Leno's audience is any indication (I didn't). Well, apparently, Barrack said something about the war and meeting with all the states (foreign) involved. Hillary said she wouldn't do that, and called Barrack "naive". Of course, no one heard anything about it because Brittany Spears had a melt-down at a paparazzi, and Lindsay Lohen got arrested for drunk-driving again. (What can be done to save these poor girls!?) Well, Barrack and Hillary, now, are "fighting", and the media are pushing that - between keeping us informed about Brittany and Lindsay.

It's almost as bad as the reporters driving up and down the bunch of people outside the New Orleans dome after Katrina asking what they thought about the government not being there. Does anyone remember there were floods, fallen trees, and other debris that the ground crews had to get through? ... And if they had done the "food and water drops" there would have been rioting (remember... people were shooting others, and even at those who went to save people) and a drop or two would probably have killed someone by landing on them. Of course, the media would have reported THAT situation as "Why did they drop it HERE!?... or at all?" (Duh! Could it be because THAT'S where they people were?)

Remember that most media is biased. They are not supposed to be, but they are. They have their favorite people, and know who and what will get viewers to watch, and that's what they put on. They will NOT report on the good things and rebuilding going on in Iraq. They will report on the killings, the "behind schedule" and "missing the deadline" things.

Read between the lines.


Monday, July 02, 2007

New Stuff on OFP and What Have I Been Up To?

It's been a while since I've posted. What have I been doing? Well...

On Orange Frog Productions

  1. My grandmother died April 21, 2007. I created a tribute page to her, received a few comments and created a Responses page.
  2. I got my Handicapped Voting at the National Guard Armory in Lebanon, IN viewed by politicians by sending a letter to the editor pointing to the page, and got responses, which I posted on a followup page.
  3. I created a page of links for Crossroads Work One/Training deaprtment from a hard-copy they had posted on a wall. (I will NEVER understand why webpages with single-click access to the page in question are NOT created... Instead they create a table with links typed in? GEEZE!)
  4. I added a Commercial Music page, which I keep updated fairly regularly (I have since I put it up, anyway!)
  5. I added a couple of Rumors (Urban Legends/Lies/What-have-you)
  6. And updated a few other pages.


  1. I've been trying to get my feet healed. I'm diabetic, and have an ulcer on each foot.
  2. My grandmother had TONS of pictures and papers, and I've started scanning them. I have three (3) file-boxes, here, and Dad has 3-4 at his house. I have scanned well over 1500 items, and have only gotten through the first 3/4 box! Right now, I have to keep my feet up, so I can't scan anything very easily. When I can keep my feet down, I will have to start again.
  3. I've been updating my genealogy database. I have added at least 300 people in the last couple of months.
  4. I've been meeting with the Crossroads Job Placement facilitator almost weekly. We send out my resumes to a number of jobs, some of which I've found, some that she's found, and some that we've found together. I had a pretty strong nibble a while back, and thought I'd have heard from them by now, but they were moving from one building to another, and had some (physical) security issues. I'm still hoping.
  5. I've been working on a PHP/MySQL thing to handle the external links and links pages on OFP. I've still got a ways to go, design-wize, but think I'm getting there.

Part of the geneelogy part came about from my grandmother's funeral. A guy who I'd met a couple of years ago, but hadn't had much contact with since then, attended and talked to me, telling me I should join a group he'd joined, of people with many connections to my family in Indiana. I did, and found more info there. Then he, himself, is taking pictures of cemeteries around Sheridan and Boone County, where many of the people in his genealogy DB are, and I'm finding that may are related to those in MY DB.

Of course, all of this is taking time, and when I get a job, I will have even less of it to do some of these things. But, I obviously, keep myself active (well... mentally, maybe...)

Oh, yeah. For the past couple of years, I've not cooked much for myself. My wife went on a diet last year, and has lost over 50 pounds, herself. Well, I was weighed before minor surgery, recently, and have found that since I was last weighed (in 98?) when I couldn't find too many scales that would weigh me, I've lost at least 50 pounds myself! I think most of it's come since she went on her diet. (It's GOTTA be her cooking! LOL) If that's the case, it won't be long before I can get weighed at the doctor's more regularly (long as I can stand, I guess). So, I guess I'm getting healthier, in some respects, too.

That should cover it for now. TTYL. -wds

Holidays and Work

Most people who work in white collar and labor jobs get certain holidays off, and the Fourth of July is one of them. Most people in retail work shifts that force them to miss something, usually eight hours during the day of the Fourth, but most get to spend evenings with family and friends and watch the fireworks. There are those who work the holiday for 1-1/2 to 2 times the pay. And there are those who don't care ...

Then there are those who are "trapped", and can't plan anything for Holidays in the middle of week. This also includes other holidays which have not been moved to Mondays to allow for long weekends. (And, if they ever do that to Thanksgiving or Christmas... GEEZE!)

My wife works third shift at a factory in Lebanon. She goes in at 10:30PM Sunday through Thursday (leaving at 10PM, getting home about 8:15AM), and she normally sleeps between 9AM and 3:30PM-4PM on the following days. Those are her "Mondays through Fridays".

With the Fourth of July coming up, Wednesday, we were looking forward to sitting out in our driveway and watching the fireworks, like we've done since before we were married. But, because the 4th falls in the middle of the week, and Management was short-sighted - or those in HR are being dicks about it - she has to go in to work at 10:30PM Wednesday night, "just like normal" (which, technically, is her Thursday).

Day shift gets the 4th off, and if night shift got it off, it would be (most of our) Tuesday night. But the fireworks are done on Wednesday night (you know... The FOURTH OF JULY), and around here, and especially with Daylight Savings, they will go off between 10PM and 11PM. This, of course, means Day Shift gets to have family over (or visit), go to parks, parties, etc. ON THE FOURTH, but Night Shift gets shafted, again (other stories).

As of today, she's scheduled for Wednesday night, meaning she will probably get Tuesday night off. So, she might be able to spend time with family, but again, she will leave for work around 10PM, which is shortly before the fireworks go off. HOWEVER, if they figure out that they screwed up, and give her Wednesday night off, she will work Tuesday night, get home shortly after 8AM, and will have to sleep through Wednesday, probably at least until 2PM.

Someone is going to talk to management about this, but they will probably just shift the day (the full eight (8) hours off. So, for the Fourth, she will either be sleeping, or will have to be at work when the "festivities" of the fireworks happen.

I don't understand why they can't split the shift, so they work for four (4) hours Tuesday night, going in like normal, but leaving four (4) hours early, then not have to go in on Wednesday night until 2AM, which is four (4) hours after they would normally start. Or it could be two (2) hours on Tuesday night (until midnight), and go in at midnight Wednesday night. Either way, she could get her sleep, spend the day with family, and actually get to see the fireworks.

I know she's not the only one in this situation (and I don't mean just in her factory). She said, when I mention the schedule in the last paragraph... "They won't do that... They don't care...".

Helluva place to work, huh?


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Shootings & Campus Security

Soon after I heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech, April 16, 2007, I switched to FoxNews. I watched and listened as each person talked to speculated on what happened. I watched as some they talked to professed righteous indignation at the "lack of security" at the college campus, and demanding to know why they didn't lock the whole campus down immediately following the first of today's incident, especially since they (VT) had a shooting incident at the beginning of the semester, and why it took them two hours to report it to the students. You ever notice how indignant many of the named individual show anchors get when they think they know it all? (And, remember... They DON'T... at least as the news is happening.)

Well, let's think about this. The first shooting occurred in a dormitory/residence hall, and apparently, a man and woman were arguing. An assistant at the hall began to intervene, and the man shot the woman and the RA, dead. He then, left the building, maybe (at least one report said) shooting his way out and wounding a number of other students in the process. While this was going on, 911 was called, the police showed up, shut down the hall, and began assessing the situation. I've heard reports that the dorm was closed, students ordered into their rooms, the injured removed, and the investigation begun, At this point, to me, and to them, it looked like a "domestic incident". (If this had happened in a regular apartment complex, I don't think anything different would have been done.) Logically, this makes sense. They had information it was an escalated argument, the victims were there, reports that the gunman had left the building, etc. The college gathered security forces, including local sheriff and police, and began a sweep of the campus when the second incident was reported.

In the second, an apparent student walked into a classroom and shot the professor dead. All of the students hit the floor. No command was given by the gunman, but they did it, anyway. He then began shooting students. When he left and heard screaming, moaning, and others trying to get 911, he re-entered and shot some more. (This reported by a student wounded in the arm, who apparently "played dead" after being shot.) After killing almost 30 there and wounding a couple of dozen, he killed himself. The shooter had chained the exit doors of the building from the inside, so no one could get in or out easily. Many students, apparently jumped from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor windows, some breaking their ankles in landing. (A student they interviewed on the phone reported that they'd rather have their ankle broken than ...) As soon as it was reported, the campus sent out emails to all students, telling them to stay in the dorm rooms, and locked down the whole campus.

HOWEVER, think about THIS: About 9000 students live on campus, with 14000 commuting from OFF campus. These numbers do not include the 10,000 employees of the university, most of whom were "in transit" between the end of the first and second incident. Even in today's day and age, not everyone has cell phones. Not everyone listens to the radio. Even those who do could be taking a shower, listening to CDs with it turned up, etc. They reported that vehicles with loud speakers were driving around campus reporting the campus was closed and to stay in the rooms they were in, and many didn't hear it because of this. HOW are they to let EVERYONE involved know what's going on, stay in their rooms away from windows, and to stay away from campus?

While dorms are locked down to allow only students and employees entrance, one student reported all they had to do when they lost or forgot their key was to wait until someone left, and slip in behind them before the door closed. Besides the dorms, the main buildings cannot be locked down, easily, because there are people (grad students, TAs, maintenance people, etc.) who need full access to them. And even then, the same method could be used to get in and out.
So what are they to do? Almost any security measure can and probably WOULD be considered an invasion of privacy, especially something involving fingerprints and/or corneal scans (the databases could be sold to the government, after all...) It's hard enough to get students to use their student ids for discounts, let alone security. The "slip-in" method has to be addressed. What about older campuses with older buildings? They can't hire armed guards for every room or building. All of this is physical security. Add to that the computers, networks, cell phones, electric and water supplies, etc. You think the cost of secondary education is high now...

HOWEVER, a modicum of security could be handled by the student (and faculty/staff) ID cards. They should contain all the information on a driver's license (except the DL # replaced with an ID number specific to the school), and a unique mag-strip code replaced every time the ID is replaced and/or every year, required for each entry into each building, including parking structures, could be enforceable:

  • Security logs any time the student's id is used to enter or leave a building. At class-change, a turnstile or something like it would have to be employed and EVERY student MUST run their card through... Going in AND going out.
  • Any student allowing another person to enter a building UNESCORTED (only to the building security desk - They'd take over from there...) without their own access card would be reprimanded the first time, limited to class and their own dorms for a time the second time, and expelled the third time. Satellite security/police offices/kiosks around campus will allow students (after checking to be sure they are who they say they are) to get a temporary ID, used only for that day or a certain number of hours (times can be programmed). These MUST be turned in. This will also be the way for visitors to campus to gain access to certain buildings, especially on Parents' Day or others (temporary/visitor passes).
  • All doors are locked unless the card is used, then only unlocked for a short time or until it closes again. No building doors or unsecured first-floor windows are to be left open under ANY circumstances.
  • Security cameras should dot the campus (not pointed at ANY dorm windows - if anyone uses them for that, they should be fired and prosecuted).
  • Each building should have a flashing light/loud-speaker system installed (think high-school). Each student should have a campus email account (if they don't already). They should have quick access to a page on the campus website that tells them 1) the weather, 2) Amber Alerts, 3) Campus Security Notifications (most of the page), and maybe a few other police, security and "comfort" bits of information. Some of them (except the security notifications) would/should be links. The alarm/loudspeaker should be triggered by campus security (a building, region of, or full campus alert at a time), with a message telling the students a summary of the security problem, and telling them to access the security page. (The flashing lights allow deaf students to see there's a problem, and a klaxon and the announcement allows the blind to hear.)
  • Each student's cell phone/PDA # MUST be registered on campus, and be allowed to receive free text-messages from campus security. I'm sure the cell phone providers could be worked with for users' protection. (Especially after VT.) If not, this could be REQUIRED BY LAW.
  • The local Emergency Management System could be employed on campus and the surrounding area. Many cable companies employ them, and, I'm sure, many campuses use their own cable system. This could break into radio/TV programming to inform anyone watching/listening of security situations on campus or the local area. (Cable companies need to be sure to sync analog and digital for this to work properly.)
  • Maybe signs like they put along the highways now - the ones that flash Amber Alerts and warn of closures? - at each entrance to campus, used in much the same way, but also flashing security situations.
  • All security alert systems should be checked at least once-a-month. (Heck... The tornado alarms in our town are tested once-a-week at a specific time.)
  • Guess we can't forget about events on-campus for the public... Temp passes would work, but access to other areas of the campus would need to be restricted.
And, I'm sure there are other security measures that can be taken. Some are already in effect on many campuses, but maybe this can give them some ideas. Remember, though... Each and every idea costs money, which the college/university will pass on to students.

Did Virginia Tech make a mistake by not emailing the general campus population about the first incident - that there had been a shooting in a dorm - and the gunman was "on the loose"? Probably, but again, how would they let EVERYONE know? Even with all of the above suggestions, there will still be those who don't get the information until it's too late. And, what happens when it's a student (or two or...) with access to all buildings?

There's no way to make campuses as secure as many parents would like without virtually keeping all students sequestered on-campus and in their dorms throughout a complete semester... Think they'd allow the same type of frat or sorority parties in a prison like this? (Is that a BAD thing?)

Do you have any more security ideas or comments on the above?

Bill Sanders

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Real ID - 2008? (Getting my Driver's License, 2007)

I just received the Snopes weekly newsletter which contains:

In a mixture of truth and falsehood, e-mail of the moment asserts that by 2008, licensed U.S. motorists will have to undergo recredentialing and have Federal ID numbers inserted into their hands.

The link for the story and debunking of the untrue parts of it is

According to Snopes, "as of April, 2007, the DHS lists ... requirements for a Real-ID compliant driver's license, and lists them.


Minimum Driver's License or Identification Card Data Element Requirements

To meet the requirements of section 202(b) of the Act, a State is required to include, at a minimum, the following information and features on each driver's license and identification card:

  1. Full legal name;
  2. Date of birth;
  3. Gender;
  4. Driver's license or identification card number;
  5. A digital color photograph;
  6. Address of principal residence;
  7. Signature;
  8. Physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for any fraudulent purpose;
  9. A common MRT, with defined minimum data elements.

In addition, DHS has determined that States must also include issue date and expiration date on each driver's license or identification card.

What this means is you will need to be able to prove you are who you say you are, and all of the information above, using Primary Sources (Birth Certificates, Passports, etc.) You may also need to prove other things (address, etc.), so be sure to see the link above and/or your own state's BMV site for the documenation you will need.


I just got my driver's license renewed. I forgot that it expired on my BD (3/21), and, when I remembered (second week of April, 2007), I was "out and about", and thought I'd just stop in for a few minutes, and get it renewed. Nope.

I don't remember ANY publicity or notificiation (or reminders) that the above was happening NOW. Here's what happened.

I walked in, and within about five (5) minutes was seated with the lady verifying my information from my old license for my new license. She asked if everything was still correct, and then sat without asking questions for a few moments. She said that it was connecting "with downtown" (Lebanon or Indy?) and verifying my info... That if it hadn't responded within 20 minutes, she was to call "downtown". About 10 minutes later, she apparently got notification that she was to call, so she did. (The phone was at a desk out of my seated sight.)

About 10 minutes later, she returned, and asked if I had any other ID. I didn't (I had CCs, my voter's registration, and others, but nothing was good enough.) I asked why? She said that someone with my exact name (William D. Sanders) had had their license suspended in another state, and I had to prove that I was me. (Now, I need to say that my license had been updated at the same branch last year, after I'd tested with hand-controls. It had to be marked with that restriction - so I can ONLY use hand-controls, now.) I said, holding up my license with my picture on it, "And THIS isn't good enough?" Nope. I looked through my wallet, again, and found that even if I'd still had my draft registration card from 1973 in my wallet, it was obviously expired, so wouldn't have worked. I could only use a certified birth certificate, passport (which I've never had occassion to get), or something else.

Knowing that I had my BC at home, I started to leave as she said we could call Zanesville Ohio for it. I don't know if they could FAX a "certified copy" or not, but, if not, I knew it would take a few days to get here, and I wanted to get the license NOW, especially since it was expired, and now SOME people in the government knew it! So I drove the 1/2 mile home and started looking through all my genealogical data (which is one of the reasons I had gotten my BC, and I KNEW it was there, somewhere.)

After going through it all twice, I finally found it, and returned to the branch. Since I'd been there before, I got right back to where I was before, but had to wait for a couple of ladies to get theirs. The same girl came and took my BC and license, and went to the phone. It took about 15 minutes before I heard her say my name over the phone. My middle name is not spelled the way many are, and I said, "You're going to have to spell it"... She said, "I am spelling it," and spelled it and my last name over the phone. She then went to the copier, within my seated sight, and photocopied my BC. I said, "Heck, if I'd have known a photocopy would do, I'd have just printed the scanned version." (It wouldn't have worked... The Certification process adds ink and indents of the state seal in the special paper.)

I had to sign that I was who I said I was and that the paper I'd provided was me. (Guess they could get me for perjury, too, if it weren't.) I went to the cashier and paid $26 (for 6 years), and back to the camera. She took my picture, and waited a few minutes while the machine processed my license.

While we were waiting, I pointed out that they weren't called ME a liar, but THIS BRANCH ITSELF, since they provided me with the license I was renewing just last year. Also, I'd complained that I'd not heard or seen anything about the "proof" requirement (primary sources), and the girl's supervisor found a sheet of paper with the items needed on it. (I have since tossed it, I believe. If I find it, I will attach a link to it here. But remember, it may only be good for Indiana.)

To add insult to injury, while we were waiting, the branch closed, the door was locked, and everyone else filed to the back. When she handed me my license, I tried to leave, but the door was locked. She came and let me out, and I went home.

So, the "10 minutes" it would normally and used to have taken (in 04/2007 - thought this requirement was for something like 05/2007?) took about a half-hour at the branch, a drive home, a frantic search for a single envelope with my birth certificate in it, a return to the branch about an hour later, another half-hour or so, and another drive home. The reason? Besides the "Real ID", it was because some a-hole with MY NAME IN ANOTHER STATE got his license suspended.

I recommend you search your state's BMV for required documentation, so you only have to make one trip to get your new driver's license!


Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus, Words and Questions

Don Imus has been fired by MSNBC and CBS Radio. Are Sharpton and Jackson happy? I doubt it. Jackson has said, "Imus is on 1,040 hours a [year] and yet they have virtually no black show hosts. That is true for other networks as well, We must raise the ethical standard for all of them." (Hosts or networks, Jesse?)

Because of two words, neither of which is the "N-BOMB", and words that are used in black artists' songs (rap and otherwise), Imus has been labeled as racist and sexist. He's 67, so he may be ready to retire, but I have questions (and my, admittedly, PERCEIVED answers to some, to the public AND to the networks involved.)

Question: Does this mean that the majority of rap music out there is sexist and racist? Oh, HELL NO! See, because they are of the race being insulted, "it's ok". Why isn't there such a storm over every one of those songs that use the terms? Instead, they fly to #1 on the charts. Why is it that races and nationalities can call others in their own race/nationality by words and "insulting terms", but if a white man or other race does, it's bad? Doesn't the use of the terms just mean that people are trying to be current? ... Hip? ... That the race/nationality and their music/movies/tv shows are making "inroads" in the public's consciousness? (I'm not the only one to think this way... See

Question: Don Imus said a couple of other things that weren't "right", but the controversy was sparked over two words, one of which was initially said by the show's executive producer, Bernard McGuirk. And even more insults were heaped on the Rutgers team by former Imus sports announcer Sid Rosenberg, filling in for [regular] sportscaster Chris Carlin. Why weren't THEY fired?

(If you want to read a transcript of what was said, that section of the show can be found at Find "Imus".)

Question: Why is it that other celebs who've said "bad things" (and a lot stronger and harsher than Imus' two words), are allowed to go to "rehab", then "all is forgiven"?

Question: With the proliferation of rap music, and the HUGE use of at least one of the terms Imus uttered in it, is it any wonder that people don't know what they CAN and CAN'T say without fearing the Sharptons, the Jacksons and many other publicity hounds of the world won't jump down their throats? (Why aren't they all over the news denouncing rap music for its racist, sexist and violent lyrics? Why don't they protest all the violence in music and video games? Why can Snoop Dogg say these things without backlash, but when ANY white guy does, there're demands of termination?)

Please don't misunderstand. I don't like the words, myself. I can't see ANY case where I, personally, would use the words. These terms and the promotion of violence are the main reasons I don't like a lot of rap music. (OK... Add to that the incescent BOOM BOOM BOOMs from many cars, driven by all races.) And rap-writers: Don't tell me that that's what you grew up with... That type of rap ain't THAT old!

Does anyone remember George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can't Say On Television"? Last time I saw him do it, the list had grown to about an 11-foot scroll. Guess if he hasn't, already, he's got to add a BUNCH of other terms, huh? Then again, if he says them, even reading from the list of words you can't say, he'll probably be attacked as racist, sexist, etc.

Should Imus have been fired? I don't know. (I never listened to him, so have no clue if Jackson's claim of "a pattern" is correct.) Should he have been punished? I'd say, "yes". Originally, he was to be suspended. (Was that with or without pay?) That would have been time he could have gone to rehab with Jesse. Instead, Sharpton and Jackson saw "a pattern" (in Imus, or America?), and demanded termination; Sponsors threatened to or did pull their support; And Imus was canned. Over two words used in numerous #1 songs.

If certain words aren't allowed to be used by mainstream America, why are they allowed by anyone, anywhere?

Bill Sanders

Monday, March 26, 2007

Politics (The Edwards)

This may be a little early, but let's get this one out there right now.

John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, especially Elizabeth, have been in the news recently, since her announcement that her cancer had returned and had been found in her bones, confined to a rib and hip. Remember, shortly after the last presidential election, she announced she had breast cancer, that she'd found a lump a few weeks earlier during the campaign.

While grateful for the support of family, friends and strangers from around the world, Elizabeth and John do not want "sympathy votes":

"Do not vote for us because you feel some sympathy or compassion for us. That would be an enormous mistake,” Edwards told CBS’ “60 Minutes” in an interview airing Sunday night. “The vote for the presidency is far too important for any of those things to influence it. (source: MSNBC - AP Story)

I am also sure that I heard one of them state that just as you shouldn't vote for Hillary because she's a woman and you shouldn't vote for Barrack because he's black, then you shouldn't vote for John (Edwards) because his wife has cancer. This is about as clear as it gets.

Don't vote for someone just because of their race, gender, religion, illness, or ANYTHING, other than your belief in them and the way they will handle the issues important to YOU. Don't let anyone bully you, tease you, threaten you, or do ANYTHING that will sway your vote, if you don't want to. Don't NOT vote for someone because of an email (normally false or VERY slanted), or online video, or comedians, or anyone else has said they are not the right person. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. VOTE FOR WHOMEVER YOU BELIEVE IN.

A Little Civics Lesson

There's only ONE election during a presidential campaign when you MUST vote for a party, in general - If you're Republican, you can only vote for Republican candidates; If you're Democrat you can only vote for Democratic candidates. This is the PRIMARY election. The party is deciding, by democratic means, who the people in given areas want as a candidate for various offices.

In the GENERAL ELECTION (November), again, you should ALWAYS vote (regardless of the candidate's party or party-line) for the candidate YOU believe in. Here, you are deciding between two or more individual candidates (normally differing parties), who should run the office for the next few years (normally 2-4).

Then, whether you win or lose, whether you like what they're doing or not, you should SUPPORT the winners, because they were elected democratically, meaning the majority of the people believed in them.

Think of it like brothers, who are constantly bickering. They can say anything they want about each other, they can punch and fight each other, but if someone else says anything bad or punches one, the other will rush to his brother's defense. In America, it's more like we can complain, protest, bitch and moan about the way the government's being run, but if someone outside the US says or does anything to try to change that, we should rise to the defense of the government. After all, they are OUR duly-elected officials. Some we don't like we can change in two years, some in four. But again, it's MAJORITY RULE.


Again, don't vote for Hillary because she's a woman and "it's time" for a woman president. Don't vote for Barrack because he's black and "it's time" for a black president. Don't vote for John Edwards because his wife has cancer, and you're sympathetic. (Support Cancer Research if that's the case.)


Bill Sanders

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Schizophrenic Road?

There's an argument going on in Indianapolis over renaming a portion of a "main-drag" thoroughfare, one of the oldest North/South roads in Indianapolis.

This road is one of the most schizophrenic roads. North of Indianapolis, it's 421. Somewhere still north of Indianapolis (around 116th Street), it becomes North Michigan Road (after all, it goes from at least SE Indianapolis all the way into Michigan). Staying on the same road, (don't turn off on 465 to follow the route for 421), it's North Michigan Road until you hit 38th Street, when it changes names, again, to Dr Martin Luther King Junior Street (sometimes referred to as Dr MLK Street). At 11th Street (continuing South), though there's an "transitional egress ramp" staight South (my term), Dr MLK Street abruptly jumps over to the East a few car-lengths, then continues South. (This can be very confusing, as 11th Street is one-way West.) Somewhere between 10th and West Michigan Street (yes, ANOTHER Michigan), the road changes name again to N. West Street. At Washington Street (a little schizo itself - in some places is US40!), it changes to S West Street. (Washington is the dividing line between N & S for postal service and street numbering.) The name S West Street remains until Bluff Road merges into it in the middle of St Joseph and Holy Cross Cemetery. where it remains Bluff Road heading South West out of Marion County, and later changes to Wicker Road when it turns West only, near where it crosses SR37. From the map, it appears Wicker Road dead-ends after a short while.

To add to the confusion, there are probably still people in Indianapolis who call some of that road Northwestern. (I don't remember where it started or ended.)

Meanwhile, 421 has followed 465W across the top of Indy, changing to 465S on the NE side of Indy. Somewhere in SE Indianapolis, around where US74 merges into 465, 421 seems to disappear.

So, it matters where you are on that road (again, going south - 421/N Michigan/Dr MLK/N West/S West/Bluff/Wicker) what your address is. And trying to describe how to get to your home from North or South of the city can be confusing, too (to the person trying to find the address for the first time... not to those who live there).

Michigan Road, as I said, has been called Michigan Road for some time, now. I also know that West Street has been called West Street since Indianapolis was formed (it's part of the "square mile" surrounding the middle of Indianapolis - other roads - North, East and South, get it?) I'm sure that, originally, 421/Michigan Road did not merge into West Street, but went SE through Indianapolis.

Isn't it schizophrenic enough without changing part of it's name AGAIN?

Portions of other "main drag" or state roads have been named for various people, too: Babyface, the Vietnam Veterans, etc.

I understand the arguments, except the minister who stated that (paraphrased), "Indianapolis is a great city... It needs great street names". HUH? Originally, cities built and named PARKS for people they wished to memorialize. Why did they ever start changing the names of sections of ANY road? I mean, I can understand a NEW street/road/highway being named for someone, but to rename existing roads?

When we rename existing roads, we give up on the history of the regions for which they are named, and force all those living and running businesses along those roads to change anything on which they had an address. (It doesn't happen for free, ya know?) Historians, genealogists and others trying to find a given address for any reason, now have to go through all the old names to find them. 911 has to be reprogrammed. All the services to the area have to deal with the name change, including police, fire department, ambulance, etc., and for some time, it's probable that 1) the wrong address will be given; 2) the wrong address will be gone to.

Indianapolis has become one of those cities who look for corporate sponsors for various building project. It's convention center has no name, other than Indiana or Indianapolis Convention Center. Why couldn't that whole huge building be named Dr. Martin Luther King Junior (short name: Dr MLK Jr) Convention Center of Indianapolis? They're going to be replacing the section where the current Hoosier Dome sits when Lucas Oil Stadium is finished... Now would be a GREAT time to change the name. (Or is Indy looking for a huge corporate sponsor to whom to lease the name?)

How 'bout the new bypasses proposed by Governor Daniels? One of them could be named for Dr King.

Don't change the street names where people live and work... Where there's a history... Again, with all the building going on in Indianapolis, there's plenty of new construction that can memorialize the man.

Bill Sanders

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Politics and Elections 2008

The political ads are coming. They're already here on the internet. There are plenty of anti-[name-a-party or name-a-candidate] pages out there in internet-land, especially for the more popular candidates. Democrat or Republican, Independent or whatever, SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE out there has some type of grudge against them, or simply doesn't like what they believe they or their party believe in (make sense?).

And, there are a lot of lies and half-truths going around in email about them, too. Heck, I was receiving emails in 2005 that said "Don't wait until 2008", lambasting BOTH parties for Social Security problems (which were all lies, btw).

What can you do?

  1. Don't believe everything you read in email or on the internet.
    Just because a "friend of a friend" sent it to you, just because there's a famous name associated with it, just because it appears to come from an authority who's signature is on it, doesn't make it true. Read on to see why.
  2. Be careful about news stories, even from trusted sources.
    Even they can be duped. Believe me it's happened in the past, and it continues to happen on a fairly regular basis. DO NOT believe tabloid "news" stories. While they purport to have sources, sometimes that source is simply the writer's imagination. And remember that every party or individual have been known to "mention" propaganda about themselves or their opponents. Sometimes it's people lower on the totem pole that passes it on, sometimes prompted by party/candidate or managers, who will normally then have plenty of "plausible deniability", meaning "You can't blame ME for that".
  3. Remember that Politics is a realm of false promises.
    The idea of each party and individual in the race is to get elected and try to get their agenda run. They will make as many plausible promises as they can. Sometimes, they, themselves, actually believe that they can do what they promise. HOWEVER, remember that government has a lot of "checks-and-balances" (sometimes "red-tape"), which means that a LOT of people have to sign-off on those promises before they can be kept.
  4. Don't perpetuate false emails.
    If you get an email that says something bad about someone else; that seems a little "funny"; that trivializes good deeds or glorifies bad; that may even be something you, yourself firmly believe, CHECK IT OUT. There are PLENTY of sites out there refuting these emails daily. I have a page of them and will tell you where it is, shortly. Use keywords from the emails in the search boxes, and see if they've already investigated it. See what they already have for each person, each subject, etc. The names (individual and party) in forwarded emails are subject to change at the whimsey of any sender who received it.
  5. Don't CREATE false emails.
    Many people read pages and boards that go along with their own idealogy and beliefs. When someone at those sites or boards writes or "passes on" something they think is funny, true or not, sometimes just a simple joke, others will believe it as Gospel, cut-and-paste it into an email and send it off to friends, who send it off to their friends, who... (get the idea), most everyone adding their comments. Have you ever played the game (I forget the name) where you get 10-20 people together. One whispers something to someone, who (supposedly) repeats it to the next person, who repeats it to the next, who... and so on? The vast majority of the time, by the time it gets to the last person, the information has changed so much that it's almost unrecognizable. Emails are the same. While forwarding and cut-and-paste negate some of the changes, some people add their own comments, things they believe are related, cut-and-paste signatures that weren't on the original, etc., until the email you get is completely unrecognizable from the original. This happens regularly. Don't send an unsourced email. Don't send anything but the link, itself. That way, everyone can read it, and it doesn't go through the morphing that most of the negative emails go through.
  6. Whether you start or wish to forward emails, INCLUDE SOURCES.
    If you do what I suggested you NOT do in #5, INCLUDE THE PAGE FROM WHICH YOU COPIED IT, and realize that somewhere in the forwarding process that source will probably disappear. Try to put it where it CANNOT be removed. If it's something you get that you wish to forward, try to find out if it's true or not. If not, include your source(s), and send it back to the person who sent it to you. If you believe in it, include comments of your own, but be sure you can differentiate between your comments and the original email, again realizing that somewhere down the road, they will probably either disappear or be merged into the original. About the only way you can be sure that anything you write does not get changed/forwarded is to write a webpage yourself and only send a link. Remember, though, that someone down the road will probably cut-and-paste what you wrote, either claiming themselves to be the author (I've seen things that started in USENET (think of the old-style computer bulletin boards) appear in articles, editorials and letters to the editor, verbatum, with the one that included it being the only "author".)

Email is a wonderful way to connect with new and old friends and family, but can also be used to sow and perpetuate dissent and anger. (See all the emails about blacks, Muslims, the Middle-East, Celebrities, etc.) The internet has a LOT of valid information out there, but there are a lot of ture-sounding jokes, half-truths and lies about almost very subject, especially politics.

Remember this every time you want to create or forward an email about politial issues and people.

Some of the sites to find out the TRUTH about emails can be found at my main site's Flim-Flam (Rumors/Urban Legends/Virus Hoax) Links (page section) and some of the articles and many-forwarded emails can be found in my Flim-Flams Subsection. Check them out.

BigDaddyBS (Bill Sanders)