Monday, September 03, 2007

Michael Vick

Should Michael Vick be banned from NFL Football? Not necessarily. In case you missed it, he's the NFL quarterback who pled guilty to funding and providing property for dog fights, and being present as those dogs who didn't perform well in the fights were put to death.

So, he has pled guilty, and stated in a press conference, that he did it - He's admitted his culpability. That's more than many politicians are willing to do. He said it was "immature" of him to do so... Cut the crap, Vick... You did it. Maturity had nothing to do with it. You knew it was wrong, you knew it was illegal, and yet you still funded, provided a place, and at least watched it, and the deaths of dogs. This may be ok in other nations, but in the US, canines (wild and domestic) are friends. We see them on TV all the time (How many dog-food commercials have you seen TODAY? Many "family" shows have pet dogs in them, too.) We make movies about them (Incredible Journey, Benji, Beethovan, Old Yeller, The Shaggy Dog, to name a few). They are our babies (Leona Hemsley just left $12M to her lap dog, because he provided "unconditional love", and when he dies, wants him buried in the vault with her; Many celebrities are seldom seen without their dogs, and Paris Hilton is now starting a clothing line for dogs. Chicken fights would be bad enough, but DOG fights? GEEZE! Immature? That's crap. Vick's old enough to know better (but to young to resist? GEEZE!). Just say you're guilty and want to redeem yourself.

Can he redeem himself?

Think about this, people.

  • We have professional sports players accused of starting bar fights, driving drunk (some causing accidents), shooting guns in the air (or at people), taking drugs, and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have players accused of taking steroids (oh, boy!) in their early careers, before steroids were banned; accused of taking steroids, now, and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have race drivers (and others) who drive drunk, sometimes causing accidents and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have popular, some not-so-popular, famous and infamous celebrities, especially those our children like, who take drugs, drive drunk, hurt people, do stupid shit (and because of paparazzi, it's all caught on camera), and we let them try to redeem themselves.
  • We have rappers and their entourages carrying guns and knives, beating and shooting each other and others, and we STILL allow them to become popular - and when they do, most redeem themselves, at least to a point.
  • We have referees, umpires, etc., gambling on games they call. I guess in this case, we'll see if they can redeem themselves...
Now, why can't we let Vick?

How can he redeem himself?

First, why throw him in jail? If it's a mandatory sentence, he should pay it, but otherwise, it's not going to help. Fine him big time. AND, the judge could/should make community service be working in a humane society and/or rescue shelter. Not in the office or doing commercials only, but dealing with the cruelty that some idiots and others inflict on animals, especially dogs. Vick's national... He should work in some of those places shown on the Animal Planet's Animal Cops shows.

Second, Vick has made and still makes lots of money with and FOR the NFL, so should NOT be thrown out. When the community service is complete, Vick himself (if he wants the world to believe in his redemption spirit), or maybe the NFL should restructure his contract, and require that the majority of his salary (at least for a time) be used to build and/or fund humane societies, rescue groups, animal rescue hosptials, scholarships for veterinarians, dog parks, etc. After the initial period, and even before, he should speak to children, young adults, and others about the reasons he got into the dog fighting (some sports guys think it was more his "friends" than him), and why they should pick friends with good values. He should then donate a majority (if not all) of the speaking fees to the same types of places listed above.

Third, He should probably make PSAs about animal cruely and (for the young and young adults, alike) picking the right kinds of friends.

If Vick would even do PART of the above, especially voluntarily, I think it would go a long way toward redeeming him in the eyes of many people.

What do you think?


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