Monday, July 02, 2007

New Stuff on OFP and What Have I Been Up To?

It's been a while since I've posted. What have I been doing? Well...

On Orange Frog Productions

  1. My grandmother died April 21, 2007. I created a tribute page to her, received a few comments and created a Responses page.
  2. I got my Handicapped Voting at the National Guard Armory in Lebanon, IN viewed by politicians by sending a letter to the editor pointing to the page, and got responses, which I posted on a followup page.
  3. I created a page of links for Crossroads Work One/Training deaprtment from a hard-copy they had posted on a wall. (I will NEVER understand why webpages with single-click access to the page in question are NOT created... Instead they create a table with links typed in? GEEZE!)
  4. I added a Commercial Music page, which I keep updated fairly regularly (I have since I put it up, anyway!)
  5. I added a couple of Rumors (Urban Legends/Lies/What-have-you)
  6. And updated a few other pages.


  1. I've been trying to get my feet healed. I'm diabetic, and have an ulcer on each foot.
  2. My grandmother had TONS of pictures and papers, and I've started scanning them. I have three (3) file-boxes, here, and Dad has 3-4 at his house. I have scanned well over 1500 items, and have only gotten through the first 3/4 box! Right now, I have to keep my feet up, so I can't scan anything very easily. When I can keep my feet down, I will have to start again.
  3. I've been updating my genealogy database. I have added at least 300 people in the last couple of months.
  4. I've been meeting with the Crossroads Job Placement facilitator almost weekly. We send out my resumes to a number of jobs, some of which I've found, some that she's found, and some that we've found together. I had a pretty strong nibble a while back, and thought I'd have heard from them by now, but they were moving from one building to another, and had some (physical) security issues. I'm still hoping.
  5. I've been working on a PHP/MySQL thing to handle the external links and links pages on OFP. I've still got a ways to go, design-wize, but think I'm getting there.

Part of the geneelogy part came about from my grandmother's funeral. A guy who I'd met a couple of years ago, but hadn't had much contact with since then, attended and talked to me, telling me I should join a group he'd joined, of people with many connections to my family in Indiana. I did, and found more info there. Then he, himself, is taking pictures of cemeteries around Sheridan and Boone County, where many of the people in his genealogy DB are, and I'm finding that may are related to those in MY DB.

Of course, all of this is taking time, and when I get a job, I will have even less of it to do some of these things. But, I obviously, keep myself active (well... mentally, maybe...)

Oh, yeah. For the past couple of years, I've not cooked much for myself. My wife went on a diet last year, and has lost over 50 pounds, herself. Well, I was weighed before minor surgery, recently, and have found that since I was last weighed (in 98?) when I couldn't find too many scales that would weigh me, I've lost at least 50 pounds myself! I think most of it's come since she went on her diet. (It's GOTTA be her cooking! LOL) If that's the case, it won't be long before I can get weighed at the doctor's more regularly (long as I can stand, I guess). So, I guess I'm getting healthier, in some respects, too.

That should cover it for now. TTYL. -wds

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