Strange Creature in Our Yard
I saw the strangest bug today. I'd seen a couple around here before, but hadn't had the wherewithall or energy to grab the camera and take some shots. Besides, if I remember right, one of them landed on my arm, and it freaked me right out... I brushed it right off and it disappeared.
I spent most of the afternoon, after downloading the pix trying to find information on it on the net. I figured it was unique enough that some of the words I used would bring it right up. NOPE! So, I continued to search. My wife thought it was funny that 3-4 hours later I was still searching for it. Well, I finally found it. (WAY too many hours later to mention here!)

Back to the bug... He stopped on the corner of the porch rail, and appeared to be weighing his options. For some attempted shots, I raised the camera up in front of him, and he backed up a touch, like you would when something appeared out of nowhere in front of you... (and you'd go "Whoa!!!) But, even so, he didn't seem too intimidated. Then, he turned and walked back down the rail, dodging the camera by slipping off the top to walk on the side a bit. I watched him walk all the way (about 15-20 feet or so) to the end, and stop to "weigh his options". He was walking back up to the corner of the porch when I came in to start searching.
I tried:
- insect indiana leaf
- insect serrated thorax
- indiana bug brown "2 inches" wings
- insect indiana serrated leaf gray
- bugs indiana leaf
and various other combinations, including dropping "indiana". I looked mostly in Google's images, though I probably should have just used Google and pulled up a few of the first pages. Oh, well... I can be tenacious when I want to be.
I found quite a few pages on the thing, which I knew I would, once I knew the actual name. If you're interested, check out. What's That Bug, Assassin Bugs, Bug Guide: Wheel Bugs, and Wikipedia: Wheel Bug, among MANY others. (Like I said... Once you know the name, you can find BUNCHES of them.)
I just thought some of you might be interested because...
- It is a strange creature - Looks like something out of Space Troopers(?) and various other sci-fi movies
- It's considered an Assassin Bug (kills soft PEST bugs by grabbing them with the front legs, stabbing its long probiscus into them, exuding some type of enzyme that turns their insides to mush, and sucks 'em dry)
- It's bite while not exactly poisonous (it shouldn't kill you), can be quite painful, take weeks to heal, and can leave a scar
- The "wheel" doesn't appear until they are adults, after 4-5 moltings.
Strange what you can find in your own back yard, huh?