Where've I Been?
Ok... So I'm not very good at "keeping up" as far as journalling my activities and interests go. Sorry!
I've been working on adding new content to and revamping Orange Frog Productions (my website.) I'm trying to do as much as possible in CSS and SSIs. Currently, the site uses external javascripts for some of the formatting, and this causes the warning bar to appear. I've worked out some problems (using divs, a class to indent instead of "blockquote" and other things), and am working on splitting the site into three sections (main, personal and scams/shams... ) with a link to my subweb, LYAO OnLine. It will take a while to convert all the current pages to the new styles (especially with working on other things), but I believe it will be well worth it.
Speaking of LYAO, I'm continually adding to the LYAO subweb... I'm revamping and adding all the old LYAO joke-letters to the site. So far, I've got between 60-70 from 1998 in there... a few more months of those and I can start on 1999! Then only 6-8 more years to go! WHEW! I didn't realize I'd put out so many of them! AND, after a hiatus, I'm pretty-much back to sending them out at least once-a-week.
I've also been working on some genealogy (distant cousins). I'm having problems finding my great-great grandmother (Florence Elizabeth Rawlings/Rawlins/Rollings/Rollins/etc. b:06/1860 IN, d:03/07/1920 Sheridan IN, m:12/18/1877 Hamilton County, IN to John Charles Freemont Emry/Emery b:1857 OH) ) with her parents in ANY census records (I use Ancestry.com.) My only conclusion at this point is that I have the wrong parents for her (Aaron and Hester A (Stephens) Rawlings/Rawlins/etc.?) Anyone have any ideas? (This and the following paragraph may appear in a genealogy category/section of this blog, too.)
BTW: Those of you with ties and/or relatives from around Sheridan, Noblesville and Boxley, Hamilton County, IN and Lebanon, Boone County, IN should know there's a great monthly newsletter put out by Barb Hiatt of Lebanon (formerly of Sheridan area). The site is www.sheridannews.net. The newsletter is called "Our Home Town" and past newsletters are archived. Barb gathers and posts information about the happenings in these areas, the obits and asks for "memories". I have found hundreds of items on family members (many distant and many not-so-distant) cousins and relatives in the archives. You can sign up for the newsletter on the main page. The archives are "passworded" (a simple password to remember) and there's a pretty good search engine used in them. Barb is "genealogically inclined", so tries to make sure there's family information in the obits. Check it out.
I'm STILL waiting to get hand-controls and other modifications to my van through Voc Rehab (see OFP, What's New(s) for more). I can't believe that it's taken almost three (3!) years to get to the point where at least we have the bids and are just waiting on a completion date from the vendor so authorizations can be sent out. I can "get out" now and then, when I have someone to drive me and help get my scooter out of the back of the van using aluminium ramps. (I can walk some, but if I will have to walk very far, I need to use the scooter.)
My son graduated from Purdue, May 12th, and because my wife works third shift and sleeps during the day, and because I couldn't ask my 70+yo father to help with the ramps, I couldn't go. (Ok... and because of the hassle of driving a scooter around Purdue with all the students and parents and...)
My uncle's girlfriend's mother and uncle - her mother's brother - passed away just a few days ago (within a couple of hours of each other) and, for the same reasons, I couldn't go.
Luckily (if you want to call it that - scheduled for a Friday, so my wife could sleep after it), I made it to my ex-wife's mother's viewing a couple of weeks ago. ("Ex-wife's mother?" you ask. Yes. I spent 15 years with my ex and had two boys. The divorce was between me and HER, not her family, and her mother was STILL my sons' grandmother... Right? Even if we didn't get along, I needed to at least "make an appearance".)
If my van was modified, I'd have at least had the option, the prior times. GEEZE!
And, of course, all the "good" television shows (as far as I'm concerned) have been running their season finales.
I don't know how well I'll do on "keeping up" here, but I guess we'll see. Check out those links (and the ones on the side.