UPDATE: Annoying Commercials
Looks like Ford (and/or Taylor Hicks' agents) got the idea, from the numerous blog entries and messages I saw when verifying the brand for Hicks' commercial. They haven't been playing the whole "singing" commercial all the time, now. They play the band under the announcer, and at the end of the commercial, cut to Taylor singing, "All that I can see... Possibilities". Man, it's MUCH easier to take now. As a tag, I like it. As the main commercial, after the first time in the evening, it was ok. But it was too much to have it on almost every break.
As for the comments about Jon Lovitz... I STILL like Lovitz... Have since he was the "liar" on SNL ("Yeah, yeah... That's it!") But, Subway needs to alternate Jared and the others into the rotation. You see Lovitz on every break, and it's time to visit Quiznos!
Speaking of Quiznoes, whatever happened to Baby Bob? - or Bobette (heard the baby was really a girl). Guess she grew too old for the spots, huh? (Thank you, aging!)
Oh, and as far as the sub commercials go, (and pizza, and...) You ever notice that the food looks SOOO much better (and the sandwiches so much thicker) on the commercials than they do in real-life?
There's a new batch of commercials for Geiko. A "faded/fading" celeb sits beside a "normal" person who tells about how Geiko is so great, "translating" it into their style (not necessarily what was said, but...). Charro ("hoochie coochie!" looking VERY hot for her age) does the "Spanish" thing (excited, like she always has been), Little Richard "Woo Hoos" everything (I can't really understand either), and Burt Bacharach plays piano and sings Geiko's virtures. It's nice that they have someone else doing it besides the Aussie-accented Gecko, and something other than the damn cavemen having lost his appetite after his friend ordered "roast duck". HOWEVER, while I can believe they managed to get Charro and Little Richard (both commercials are extremely annoying when seen too many times), I cannot BELIEVE they got Burt Bacharach to sit there and do this. I always thought he was too classy for this type of thing. (Apparently, not... Then again, he WAS always able to make fun of himself, if I recall). DAMN, though... Typical overplay. (Maybe we can ANNOY them into buying our stuff!)
Hey, and Brian Williams (NBC Nightly News) did a story on Head On. And said the same thing I did! THEY GIVE YOU A HEADACHE! (Hey Brian, did you get that from my blog? LOL)