Saturday, June 28, 2008

What have I been up to?

I've been Answerbagging since earlier this year. It's an extremely addictive question and answer website, at For the most part, I've been providing advice for relationships, having some fun, and answering Answerbag questions. I've put a page in my Orange Frog Productions FAQ section about "Prettifying Your Answerbag Profile", explaining step-by-step the HTML you can add and modify. (It's a bit like entering a blog... You don't have to do paragraphs, but you do have define the whole page as a DIV and do your styles on IT to do them all.) I'm working on a comprehensive User Guide for it. It will be on OFP soon, I hope!

Meanwhile, my VR counselor was promoted, and I've gone through two more Crossroads job coaches - the last is changing positions soon. AND, I'm STILL looking for a job. I don't understand why 25 years of programming experience doesn't seem to count for anything. Anyway, I'm only looking for entry level (or a little above) for programming, help desk, customer service, office, web design/devel0pment, etc. Sooner or later, someone will take me, I hope! Or, the two people I've been talking with, and I, will start a business tied in with Genealogy. We'll see, I guess.

Speaking of genealogy, I haven't been doing much on it, recently. I WILL be getting back to it when I get that User Guide done, I'm sure.

Also (genealogy/history-related)... Even MORE history was lost recently in the midwest, with the number of homes and towns destroyed and damaged by the floods in Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, etc. It should be a wake-up call to everyone to MAKE SURE you scan and/or otherwise protect your family's photos, documents, and anything else you can, and save copies on multiple CDs/DVDs, sending copies to other family members who are not in the same areas as yourself. While the digital copies will not be LEGAL, at least you have all the information in all of them, can have pictures reprinted, etc. Imagine all the historical records LOST when the downtowns of these places flooded out. This is why THEY should scan all their records to optically store them, and have digital text copies, besides! I hope SOMEONE takes this type of thing into account. Also think about the cemeteries that were lost/damaged by the flooding. It's sad... It's really sad, that all this history is gone forever.

That's enough for today. TTYL

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