Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America's Got Talent (AGT) 2012 - 06/26/2012 - Vegas Week Show #2

The trials continue... Most of these will be like yesterday... Listing who is in the category, sometimes what they did, and maybe a comment or two. Full reviews will begin when they go to the live shows.

Performance Day 2

Segment #1

Magic Category
Eric Dittelman (mind-reading is what sets him apart) - The guy is GOOD!
Taylor R???? - Made a helicopter appear
Justin Rivera - Walked his top half over some packing boxes (inside one)
Spencer Horseman - Escape Artist (very suspensful - in a box filled with water for 1min 25sec. At 20 seconds left, dropped his lockpick doing the outside lock.

Segment #2

Duos? (Groups? missed it)
Eric & Olivia - (Eric plays guitar, Olivia sings)
Maruice and Shanice Hayes (father/daughter singers - Older)
Jorge & Alexa Rodriguez (father/daughter - daughter is kid - Did they do Feliz Navidad commercials around Christmas?)

Segment #3

Jacob Williams(?)
Sammy Obeid
Dave Burleigh (imoressions, too)
Kellen Erskine
Tom Colter
Frank Roche (auditions/impressions - didn't do too good - They sent him home right away)

Segment #4

Sebastien "El Charro del Toro?" - Mariachi singer
Issac Brown (singer/dancer)
The Untouchables - Dance Group
Amazing Elizabeth - Aerial act
Edon - Singer/Piano Player

Segment #5

Male Singers
Ulysses - Theme songs from the 70s
Daniel Park (plays guitar, too)
Jake Wesley Rogers (plays piano, too)
Tim Poe (country singer)
Tim Hockenberry (plays piano, too)

Segment #6

We see the judges discussing the acts who have performed over the last couple of days.
Acts come out on stage and they tell them if they're in or not.

Little girl and father Duo - no
Comics - Three go home
Two go to New York
Dance Group - no
Kids - two and a group
Dance Group, mariachi kid, jewish kid - NY
Girl singer - NY
Country singer and asian singer - no
Two dance groups - NY
Two female singers - no
Dance groups - no
Singers - NY
Duets - NY (kid and girl, father daughter older)
Magicians - NY
Drag singer, group, older guy - NY
Drill Team - no
Groups - NY
BMXers, Ventriloquist - NY
Classical singers - No
The Goth Guy (sings alto/soprano) - no

Oh, man... Some of those I thought did great or would skate through this time, even with problems, are going home.  Especially The Goth Guy (Andrew).

If you read this, Andrew - Do what Howie said, and KEEP IT UP.  Most musicians get a LOT of rejections before they click with someone. Katy Perry said she did, too. So what does that tall you? (KEEP IT UP!) And remember, there have been times they've brought people back! (Judge's Favorites). Maybe...

2 hours Vegas Week Finale tomorrow. Cya then! ;-)

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