America's Got Talent (AGT) 2014 - Judgement Week - 07/22/2014
I am doing this "live", meaning I watch the act and then report on it. Sometimes there's not much reporting, and sometimes there is. Starting in Radio City Music Hall (the live shows) I will start giving a short blurb, being my thoughts on the acts. I try to spell all names correctly, but don't always catch them. I should be close.
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The judges went to where their favorite acts were practicing or performing (Howard called while on the air, I believe) and told them themselves they were going straight through to the live shows in Vegas.
Now all other acts are performing onstage to try to get to Radio City Music Hall (RCMH). They said half would go on and half would go to RCMH.
Category: MAGIC
Mike Avery(?) - Desmond (spirit guide) wrote najme of friend Howie was thinking of, and made a 4x4 matrix which all added up to a number (23) that Nick mentioned.
Psycho Jack -
His trick didn't work right. They called him back onstage. He's going home.
Franklin Saint - Crushed a water bottle, and uncrushes a can, seals it, and then opens it and pours pop from it.
Matt ??? - Close up magic with cards.
Category - DANCE
Sean & Luke (Tap Dancers) - to New York New York
Solto - Muscle movements and twisting armns
Dragon House - Animation-like
John & Andrew - Salsa Dancers
Call John and Andrew out - Going to RCMH for the live shows.
Others, I don't think so.
Category - KID SINGERS
Quintavious (Who's Loving You)
Grace Ann (Operatic)
Continue - KID SINGERS
Mara Justine (If I Don't Have You)
Judges call Mara out - Going through to the next round
Julia Goodwin (You Know How I Feel)
Category - COMEDY
Darik Santos
Wendy Leibman
Joe Matareese (Fell flat this time... The material wasn't as good, I don't think)
Juan Carlos (Inline Skate Dancer)
John Narem (YoYo Artist)
Loop Rawwlins (Wild West Showman)
The Mighty Atom Junior (93yo Strongman) - Pulling a pickup truck w/Judges in it w/his teeth
JD "The Iceman" Anderson (Strongman) - Tore phone books and ran "through" like 15 blocks of ice. Was fine, but cut back of head on ice.
Emily West (You Got It by Roy Orbison)
Carly Jo Jackson (???)
Anna Clendenning (has Severe Anxiety Disorder - She has a panic attack and runs out)
Anna (continued - - The other female singers backstage helps her go onstage. Howie talks to her about it. Sings Radioactive.)
Kelli Glover (In 2009 she was cut in this round. Sings Warrior(?))
End of Show.
New show tomorrow. See you then. ;-)
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