Wednesday, July 29, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/29/2009)

Second round of the Vegas Verdicts - hopefuls being sent home. There should also be a challenge of two dance groups from Indiana, and another.

Anohter montage of the acts and judges deliberating. We can't go by which acts are shown and which are being described.

Gymnastic dance pair (Dave and Zoe) the one where she (very small) holds him (very large) up. David: We really don't know what to do with you. Can you sustain a show for an hour. Piers: It may not be enough. (Judges chat.) David: Ok. We know you act is different, but it's a million dollar competition. We've made our decision. *Sigh*... You're going through to the next round. Sharon: Practice, practice, practice.

Isharra (The Bollywood Dance troup) and Footworking (from Chicago). Piers: We've gotta make tough decisions. We've made our decision. We've worked out who we thought would go through. We're sorry, guys, cause you're gonna have to leave Las Vegas... ... ... 'Cause you're going through to Los Angeles... BOTH of you. (I HATE when they do that!)


Jeffery Ou(?) (Piano player), and Rashida (harp player). Sharon: You're both great musicians. We have a harpists and classical pianist, here. One of you is going to go through and one of you is going home. All right. The decision is ... that... Rashida... you will ... not be going to... LA. You won't be going to Hollywood, at this time. Jeffery, you are going through. (They've become friends... It's hard on them both, but Jeffery seems to be taking it harder.)

Quickies: Not going through: The whip act. Acrobatics. Arthur (strange contortionist. The brother (guitar) and girl (singer)... The brother got another opportunity. She let him go. She knew it would hurt her chances, this year.

The little girl who sang "Proud Mary" (giggle-box! LOL). Eleisha. Piers: You were very, very funny in your audition. How do you think your singing went. We thought about you a lot last night. (Oh, boy, she said.) In the end, we all figured what to do. What we decided, Eleisha, is you're going to go to the Top 40.


Husband and wife jugglers. Sexy and dangerous. Piers: This is where it gets tough for us, particularly for you two, since Vegas is the dream. I'm afraid we're gonna have to see you in the Quarter-finals.

Marcus Terrel & the Serenades. Piers loved him, but not the girls, at the MySpace auditions. Sharon: Marcus, we think you're a great singer. Ladies, we spent a lot of time going over and over your tape. You did, Marcus, but the girls didn't. It's the girls pulling you down. You need high-class backup singers. Marcus says, "It's hard to take, because until I met these girls, I didn't have a direction." Judges say no to the group. The girls say, "If we pulled out, would you take just him." Marcus: I'm going to leave that opportunity up to the ladies. Sharon: Marcus, you will be going through. The girls say, "If we can't all go through, I'd want it to be one of my friends." Marcus goes through alone.


U4Ria, BreakSk8, Destined 2 Be. After 12 grueling hours, they do the challenge. They have issues, because these groups don't have one choreographer. They know at least one act will leave the competition. Piers: We can put through one of you, we can put through two of you. We can't put through all of you. A montage of the challenge acts. They all feel the pressure when the judges call them back. Sharon: Right now we feel very strongly that there's one of you we want to put through. The other two didn't match up. The group we are going to put through right now, is BreakSk8.


The Voices of Glory (the brothers/sister trio). David: Well, you guys knocked us out with your talent, but do you have enough to go through. We came to a unanimous decision... And we absolutely agree with you... We love you... You absolutly deserve it.

Quickies - All go through: Woman opera singer... Two dog acts, one from Indy... The old lady break-dancer... PixieSix... A couple of singing acts... Singer and dancer friends... The old lady comedian...

Triplet Violinists: Piers: Voices aren't good enough. Violins, you will make it. Sharon: You are talented. I have to be brutally honest with you. I think you have a long way to go to perfect your act. (the girls start saying they'd do more...) Girls, you know what? We've made our decision. You're going through.


(Now... How many are left... Only a few more minutes left in the show. They're NOT going to end it on a downer...)

39 acts moved on. Everyone else had to go home.

16yo Mia made it to Vegas last year, but not further. 26yo Kelly who was sent home from American Idol's 1st season. One more spot. (Didn't they do 41, last year?) Both girls are very emotional. Piers: Lots of great female singers. It's not simply a question or either or. We couldn't decide if we should put both of you through, or one of you through. Kelli... For you, the answer's no. She breaks down, saying Please... Sharon: Come here and sit down. You're not a failure. Piers: I'm really sorry. Kelli says "It's not fair" when she goes out into the waiting room. Piers: Mia, it's tough this year. I'm afraid you're going to have to go through. She's in.

That's it. The ones who made it were on stage. Simon calls the judges on the phone on the plane: I've just seen your choices for the Top 40. And we have a problem here. (Simon throws a curveball.)

That's it. Next week, the live quarter-finals from LA.

Full show link:

See you then.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/29/2009)

Auditions are over. This is the first elimination show in Vegas, getting the winners down to 40 from the 160+ they have, now.

The Vegas Verdicts - Shooting for the Top 40!

Some acts won't even make it out of the airport. They make cuts as soon as the plane lands. Narrowing down to the 4 best dance acts.

Split the hopefuls to four groups. "For some, the dream will end right here." They're all in a hanger in Vegas.

Group A - David: Terrific. Raw talent. In the end, we all collectively agreed, you're going through.

Group B - Sharon: It's a tough decision. Our decision is you will all be going home. I'm sorry. Among them, the 9yo Blues player. (Said he'd keep playing his guitar... GOOD. I hope they ALL continue doing what they're doing. I'm assuming that some of those we DIDN'T see on prior shows have made it through, but it's quite possible that they've been cut already.

Group C and D - Piers: Our final decision is that one of the groups is going through to the next round... And the other group ... is also going through.

25 acts have left the competition. (I'm not going to try to say who made it through. We'll see how the show plays them all.) We see them enjoying the Vegas life.

(MAN! I don't think I'd like to be a judge, if they have to drop people before they even get to see/play on a Vegas stage, even a small one. They've got over 120 acts to pare down to the Top 40, tonight and tomorrow. WOW. A lotta hearts are gonna be broken.)


At the Palms Resort and Casino. The judges continue deliberating, reviewing the tapes. We hear the judges arguing... Some of those acts still in it talking about making it and not making it. (Lots of dreams, here.)

Judges want to see a few acts, personally.

1st act - Keith Johnson (singer - did "Walking in Memphis")
2nd act - Pete Peterkin (imitator)

Piers: I'm afraid we have concluded there are better singers, and therefore you will not be going through. (to Keith). Keith, of course, is heartbroken.

Sharon: I don't know how to put this any other way, but to be really direct. I think we owe you that. ... You're going to go through. (to Pete)


NOTE: We have some big lightning (wife turned her computer off!) So, I don't know if power will stay on or not. If not, I will have to post this as a partial, and maybe do it again, tomorrow, when they replay the show. We'll see.

13yo Arcadian (dancer). He's through.
Montage: The guy who sang to Hasselhoff, a couple of the dance groups, the young girl singer. The two kid groups (singers and ballroom dancers), the ones who sang "Mountain Music", The S&M lady, among others. (Sorry, I can't remember the names, and sometimes there were more than one at a time. We'll see the ones who went through, starting next week. Watch the link I'll give you when it appears, and you can see the groups, yourself.)

Next in, 74yo retired barber (dancer). Means the world, a dream come true. Loves people, to perform, and the stage. David: You have a way of bringing a smile to everybody, just because of you aura. HOWEVER, we have to judge on your talent. We came to a decision. Anthony, you're going home. You did a great job. Nick to Tony: There's always next year. Tony: I could be dead next year. Nick: Don't give up.


Three dance groups. Eu4ria, Destined 2B, and another (missed the name). VERY nervous. Piers: Big moment for you all. We came to the same conclusion for each group. We could not decide. Challenge. You will all get the same music and 12 hours to practice, then you will perform for us. Get out there, right now, and get ready.

Magicians. Drew ??? and Constantine & his wife and the first magician through (I forget his name). Piers: Two very similar acts. You both do magic. We argued about this. We couldn't decide. We could put one of you through, or none of you though. Constantine and wife didn't make it. With YOU Drew, you will be leaving Los Vegas... Because we'll be seeing you in Los Angeles. (I don't know that I like the way they do that! LOL... Making it sound like the group is gone, then turning it around.)


Spiritual Harmonizers (singers, the PO workers). David: We talked a lot about you guys. You guys have heart. Great lead singer. Just too many acts. You didn't make it. Guys, our heart goes out to you. Tough, tough, decision.

Dance groups. This was probably the most competative this year. Both go home.
Belly Dancer. Tough call. You won't be going through.
Acrobatic dancers. Here's the really tough part. It's no.
Girls. We have to put the best of the best through. Unfortunately, you're going home.

Hairo Torres. The break dancer who flipped onto his back. Piers: You're one step away from a life-changing experience. Sharon: It's a very tough decision for us. We wish you so well, we know you are going to go on to do great things. I'll put you out of your torture. Our decision is: You're going through, and you're in the quarter-final. We loved you.


(This is tough. It's all based on that one audition tape (first show). If they were just a BIT less good than someone else, they're probably out. By the same token, I think they put a few acts through to give some of the others a chance to do a couple of shows to win over America. (The odd-ball acts that we wonder why they DID put them through.) Ah, well. We are not the judges, yet. We'll just have to see what happens with everyone else, huh? Even so, I hope some of those acts that were not put through, either time, still go on with their acts.)

Last two contestants of the day, 34yo Lawrence Beaman ("Ol' Man River") and 35yo Kevin ??? (ex-chicken farmer) ("If Tomorrow Never Comes"). David: ... But then we went and looked at the tape. Sharon (to Lawrence): This is real, real tough. We don't have room for one of you. David: to Kevin: Whether you go through or not, remember, you've made a big impression on all of us, and you DO have talent. Beaman went through. Kevin did, too. WHEW! They BOTH made it. GREAT. They are both good in their own ways. I hope they both get more than one more chance.

Tomorrow. The rest of the hopefuls.

See you then!

(Seems the storm didn't do anything to our cable or power. So... Sorry for the warning, but better to be safe than sorry.)

Here is the link to the individual act videos:

Link to full episode:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/22/2009)

Final Audition Show w/Interview with Susan Boyle

Los Angeles

BreakSk8. Best friends, skaters from Kokomo, Indiana. Piers buzzed early. Basically a dance group on skates. Audience likes them - Standing ovation and chant of Vegas. David: Here's the deal. We have a lot of breakdancers on the show, some incredible. I have to think about it. Piers: I loved all of it but the skates. Sharon: We HAVE seen a lot of breakdancers, but none on skates. Yes from me. Piers: Sticking with my gut... No. David: I'm gonna give you guys a break and say Yes. They're in.

Mosaic. A vocal band. "Shining Star" Yes.
The Lollipop Girls. Dancers. Yes.
Recycled Percussion. Yes.
Jeffrey Ou. Keyboard. Yes.
SQ Entertainment. Acrobatic Dancers. Yes.
And a number in a mosaic, yes.
Koshaka(?). Singer. "Natural Woman" Yes.


8yo Ciana ??? from Hawaii, singer. "At last." Audience - Partial standing ovation in middle, and clapping with the song, then chant VEGAS. Piers: If I were you, I'd start looking for a new house for your parents. I have never heard an eight-year old with a voice like that. Sharon: Did you enjoy that? (yes). David: You're so good. And look at how young you are. David: Absolutely yes. Piers: Yes from me. Sharon: Yes from me. She's in.


Choir Director, Joseph "Jo-Jo" James from LA, singer, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Bad falsetto. Buzzed off. Audience against him. David: It sounds like one of those balloons. Piers: How do your choruses react when you do that in church? (This is my gift.) David: It didn't work out today. Nope.

Brian and Anthony Lockard. Piano show. Nope.
Inara ???. Classically trained singer with guitarist. Nope.
Scott Renkis and Darryl ???. Comedy Circus. Nope.
Dr Franklin Ruelle. Sticking straws in a potato. Nope


Beale Street Flippers. Very last act to face judges. Group of friends from Beale Street. Gymnastic Tumbling. To "Billie Jean". Audience standing ovation. Sharon and David: Standing O. David: You are the best flippers we've had on this show, by far. Piers: Two words: Flipping incredible. Yes, all round. Piers: My vote is the biggest flipping yes you've heard... They're in.

That's it for the auditions. (Recap montage of good AND bad acts.)

Break. Next come Meridith Viero's interview with Susan Boyle. Be sure to view the video, when I post the link, or go to, and view it there.)

Susan Boyle interview. (Sorry... I tried to keep up with them, but was missing out on a lot of stuff. Be sure to see the videos of it. I'm sure it will be at, and I will post a link, soon.)

Susan Boyle Story: Daring to Dream

It appears Susan has had a makeover, and looks better than I recall having seen her. They told Susan Boyle's story with some comments from Piers, and clips from Britain's Got Talent, the internet, and news. Susan took all questions in stride and seemed to be smiling the whole time. She's recording a new CD.

No matter who said she was great, the one that took her breath away was Donnie Osmond. He taped a message for her. Donnie said, someday, I predict you and I will make a record together. We'll redo Puppy Love. And Susan's biggest idol: Elaine Paige. They bring out Elaine, shocking Susan. Susan is Gobsmacked. Piers: Wouldn't that be an amazing thing... Someone like Susan Boyle, coming from her little village, becomes a star for the next 20 years, rivaling the likes of Barbara Striesand.

Here's NBC's preview and excepts, including a partial transcript from Susan Boyle's interview:

Here is the link to the individual act videos:

Here's the link to the full show video: Direct to the Susan Boyle Interview:

Next week... Vegas Week. By the end of the week, they will be down to 40.

That's it. See you next week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/21/2009)

MySpace Auditions

El Vegas (Jerry) from NJ. Elvis impersonator w/a couple of "Vegas" girls. Piers buzzed early and covers his ears. Audience booing and wanting him buzzed. "Glory Hallelujah". Piers: Every time I think this show gets as whacked as it can be, someone else comes along to [dethrone] the record-holder. Sharon: Jerry, what went wrong. David: I don't know what happened. It was a bit rough for me, but I'm proud to be an American. Nope.

Jumping Eagles, jump-roping group. Piers: Absolutely ridicuouls. Nope
Shawn Berkey from Muncie, Indiana. Singer. Nope.
Don Badlaramos. Shakesperean something. Nope.
Shaunie(sp?). Singing and dancing. Effeminate guy. Piers: Bizarre! Nope

(I'm guessing they've decided to do this first segment, so we all know that they HAVE seen some bad acts. I'm not sure why they do it this way, rather than mixing them in, as they do other segments, but... Let's see if they save one of the best for last, as they have in earlier shows this year.)


Illinois HS student, Ashley Groff, 18yo, singer, has a fan club on MySpace someone started for her. OMG! A screamer! Piers and Sharon buzzed early. David: OMG! Linda Blair... What happened. Piers: For the first time on this show ever, I was truly scared of you. Nope.

Ishaara. Bollywood Dance troup. From Berkley, CA. "Bally Ho" is the song they danced to(?) David: That was terrific. Piers: Unbelievably exciting to watch. David: Yes. Piers: Definitely yes from me. Sharon: Yes. They're in. (I thought it was interesting and fun.)


The Flash. Acrobatic Jugglers. Yes.

Duo Design. Very physical act, but also very mental. A couple of bald, muscular guys. Acrobatic movement/balancing act (semi dance). Piers buzzed early. Sharon: Unbelievable control. Piers: Something oddly compelling about you two. You're very strange. David: Your act is very "alien cool". David: Yes. Piers: Just too weird for me, so I'm gonna have to say no. Sharon: I liked it very much, I liked the whole concept. Um... Yes. They're in. (Nick, backstage: They're gonna get their spaceship to Vegas).

Judges take break. David: MySpace is delivering the weird, the whacky, the wonderful.


Eddie Green, San Diego, CA, 52yo. Started doing his act in a pub one time. Friends and fans have told him he's awesome and should get on AGT. Here he is. A different kinda of puppet act. Eddie and the Puppet Divas. Life-size Tina Turner puppet. David and Piers buzzed early. Sharon, shortly after. Nope.

Marcus Terell and the Serenades. Friends for 10 years, first time they've come together as a group. Singing group. "Hit the Road Jack". Update old songs. Not bad. Interesting. Piers: No easy way of saying this, I love you, these three (the Serenades) I don't. You gonna sack them? (Never). Sharon: I liked it very much. I liked the whole concept. I liked your style. David: I like it very much. If you guys work on the vocals to support him... Yes. Piers: Great potential. I'm gonna make my decision. I'm gonna say, yes. Sharon: Yes.


College student, Charles Dorsey Jr, from LA, 21yo, Piano player/singer. Mother: He's born to be a musician. "Signed, Sealed, Delivered". Yes! He's good. (Still, he should have someone else play keyboards or have a band behind him, IMO.) Audience chants VEGAS. Sharon: So few times in this industry that people come on stage and tick all the right boxes. David: You've got talent. It was terrific what you did. Piers: I think we've found a bit of a star in you. Yes all round. He's in. (Many of audience give a standing ovation.)


Encore, Dance crew. Yep.
Alycia Cooper. Comedian. Yep.
N2UN. Violin and piano. Yep.
Kara & Corey Britz. He plays guitar and she sings. Yep.

19yo college student, Heavy Vee. "Natural-born dancer". Hip-hop dancing. Piers: Buzzed. She kinda stands in one place and dances. Sharon and David buzzed. Piers: The point of dancing is you're supposed to move around. You moved around about 3-inches. No, all round. Nick comes out on stage. "Maybe you needed a partner." And dances with her. She was there to inspire. Nope.

David: MySpace gave us everything possible.

Here's the link to the full episode:

Tomorrow: Final auditions. And Susan Boyle interview.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/15/2009)

We're in Seattle/Tacoma, tonight.

24yo Chris Kegley, "Keg, the Lone Ranger of Rock", dreams of being a great rocker. (Is the interview another setup?) Yep... It was a setup. Piers buzzed early. Piers: The reason you're the Lone Ranger of Rock is because nobody wants to play with you, isn't it? (Who wants to see me? The audience boos.) David: I'm gonna leave my vote up to the audience (NO)... My vote's no. Sharon: No from me. Piers: No.

Sylvia Brasil. Sing and Dance. Semi-stripper/Belly-dancer/Singer. No.
Madmat, the Indestructible Man. No.
Pink Gorilla. She strips off the suit to a pink 2-piece. David: What happened to our show? No.


43yo Kari Kellens. Radiology tech. Dream and goal to be a professional singer. Singing since she was 3. Bi-lateral(?) lip and palate. She's good. "Somewhere Out There". Standing Ovation from all. David: AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. Sharon: Goosebumps and the hair on the back of the head. You've got a voice. Piers: One thing I've learned as a judge... Never judge a book by its cover. (She'd auditioned for a cruise ship, and the guy took one look at her and said, "You're not what we're looking for." David said, "You know, you're gonna go back to that cruise ship and charge him $40,000... You're worth it!" Piers: "You're not gonna be able to do the cruise ship, because you're going to Vegas.") Yes, all round. She's in. (Sorry I can't catch all the quotes, and I hope I got the parts I did right.)


New York, again.

Simon Shibon. Fire Acrobatics. Yep.
Keith Johnson. Piers buzzed. Bue David and Sharon said, Yes.
Pixie Mystere. Dance/acrobatics. Yes all round.

"Reality", group of best friends. Singers. From Memphis. "Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat" from Guys and Dolls. Audience doesn't like it. Piers buzzed. David and Sharon buzzed. David: We're all sitting down because you rocked the boat. Piers: I'm sitting down because you didn't rock my boat. It's not cool. Sharon: What you just performed is something you'd take to an elderly person's retirement home. Nope.


New York.

From Indianapolis, Indiana. In Indiana, they get shut down/slapped in the face. Dancers. "Destined 2 Be". Song: "Gotta Get Loose". Pretty good. Host: Lotta showmanship. David: Thought coreography was terrific. Great job. Sharon: Great future in front of you. They're in! (Take THAT, Indiana!)

Rashida Jolley from Washington DC. Plays harp and sings. Dad taught her how to be a musician. Couple of years ago, her dad passed. "Killing Me Softly". She drums on the harp and plays. Good. Audience likes her - Standing Ovation. Sharon: Not sure if it works together. Piers: Truth is if you came in and did the normal harp thing... Actually, I think you made the harp quite sexy. Yes, all round. (Sharon: What you do is so unique, I think I need to see it again.) Her dad said "Never give up.


New York.

Matt and Anthony. Song and Dance. College Roommates. No group name. Anthony tap dances. Matt sings and plays guitar. Interesting. David: You were awesome, and I think it's the best tap-dancing I've ever seen. Sharon: I love this show, because it's unique. Loss of Gregory Hines, and I thought, it's over, but it's not... We have you." Yes all round.

Missed the name. Argentine Tango. Audience loved it. They're in.
The Kalinins. Father and son acrobatic act. They're in.
Christopher and Luara Camp. Whip act. They're in. (David: Weirdly entertaining)


New York, again.

16yo Mia Boonstrom. Was on last year, made it to Vegas. But was dropped early. Something for her self-esteem, too. Back 100% and ready to make her mark. Piers: Do you really believe you've improved enough in the last year to win the million. (Yes.) Singing "Georgia". Piers has a little smile on his face. Sharon and David are waiting. David gets into it. Sharon looks like she's getting into it, too. Sharon claps. Sharon: I have to say the difference that one year has made... You're personality shines through. Piers: You are a much better singer with a much better range. You've certainly come a long way. David: I think you did great. There's still a long way to go, but you did great. Sharon: You do have a long way to go, but yes. Piers: Yes. David: Yes. She's in, again. (Sharon: She's got a personality now, she was like a wallflower, before.)

Mariah Carey video world premier. (Nick's her husband.) Delusional(?) or "Why You So Obsessed with Me".

Next week, Tuesday: Internet acts.
Wednesday: Final auditions.

I'll post the link for the episode in a few days. And, here it is:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/14/2009)

And, we're back. Time for new auditions!

New York City

38yo government contractor, Jeffery Widom. Singer. OMG! Bad song choice. His "others" sounded MUCH better, after he was buzzed. All buzzes at once. Nope.

Alex Feldman - "performer" - Nope.
Dorothy Bishop - Opera Singer - Nope.
Moonwalker - Contortionists - Nope.
David Glass - Elvis imitator? - Nope.


9yo, Tallen Noble Laz. Blues Guitarist. Dad said the kid got HIM into the blues. WOW! The kid is GREAT. Standing Ovation from the crowd. David: You know, you have a major career ahead of you. Piers: I've got a nine year old who's learning to play guitar, and he's just learning to play Three Blind Mice. Sharon: You have the soul and charisma. David: America needs to see you: YES. Piers: Yes. Sharon: And you've made my day! Yes. He's in.


Looks like some dancers made it through... I don't recall seeing them.

Retired barber, Tony Ferrante, 74yo, dancer (Disco, free-style). Piers buzzed early. Audience likes him. Sharon: Oh, Tony. Let me say you are a snazzy mover. Piers: Let me remind everybody, this is a million dollar talent show. With a great deal of respect, I don't think you're it. David: Yes. Piers: Don't be ridiculous, it's a million dollar talent show. Piers: 100% No. Sharon: All right my darling... I don't think it's definitely worth a million, but you entertained me, so therefore, I have to say yes. He's in. (Ok... He was fun, but not a million dollars.) The audience were chanting his name, and he went back onstage for a cheer.

Two weeks to the start of the top 40 shows.


Arthur - Strange dance act. Yes, all round.
Nathan Burton, Magician. Yes.
African High Flyers Acrobats. Yes.

Kelly Glover. Singer. From New Jersey. Auditioned for Season 1 American Idol. Was crushed. Went through a lot of emotions. Didn't want to sing anymore. Worked in a casino for the last six years. Wants to prove to America that she can really do it. Great job. David: You didn't give up, did you. NEVER give up. Great, great, great job. Girls from Jersey rock. Piers: We've seen a lotta great singers. Yes all round. She's in. (As she walked offstage, David said, "That blew me away.")


The Badd Girls from Phillidelphia. Name may be Bad Girls, but we're good. Sing and dance. Want to be big as the Spice Girls. They just aren't good. Three buzzes. Piers: You have as much chance of being the next Spice Girls as I have of being President of the United States. David & Sharon: Sound like... Cats in a basket. Nope.

The Platt Brothers. Dancers/acrobats/mime-type. Standing Ovation from audience. David: Very creative, I really enjoyed the act. Piers: All the tools, and sex appeal for the ladies. Gotta go away and be clever, now. Sharon: Liked interpretation of the music... Clever and funny. They're in. (leaving, David said, America will love them.)


The Spiritual Harmonizers. PO Workers (same PO) from Richmond, VA. Been singing about 10 years. From 21yo to 76yo. Accapela group. "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday". Standing ovation from crowd. David: That was awesome. Piers: What I normally think about this type of act is they normally bore me stupid. The lead singer was the diffference here. Sharon: This show gives everyday people in America a forum. I'm so glad to have given it to you. Yes all round. They're in. (Why do I have the feeling Piers will suggest that the lead singer go off on his own, later?)

That's it for today. See ya tomorrow.

I'll post the full-episode video tomorrow, if they have it. And they did: . Please see earlier posts for other links to NBC, and individual acts.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/08/2009)

Houston, Texas, today.

The Texas Tenors, based in Houston. "Mountain Music" by Alabama. Not bad. Partial Standing Ovation. David: I think you did a very, very good job. Sharon: It's very raw, and you need to perform, perform as much as you can. Piers: I began to rather enjoy it. Yes. Sharon: Yes. David: You're going to Vegas. They're in.


Bruce Thomas, handyman, 51yo, musician. Act is totally unique. Believes the judges will be flabbergasted. Had the talent for 40 years. Manualist. Yankee Doodle. Buzzed quickly. Sharon: Not a million dollar talent. No, all round.

Urban Burlesque Group - Ruby Review. Nope.
In Sterio - Flutists. Nope.
Chrispy? Family Carnival (Staples dollar bills to him. Lifts a weight with his nipple rings.) Nope.


5 friends. AcroDunk from Houston. Slam-dunks acrobatically. Trampoline-type dunking and acrobatics. Very cool. Worth a million? We'll see. ... Audience loves them... David: On this show, we have seen so many hunks in trunks trying to do dunks, and you are the BEST. Piers: Energy... Sharon: Energy - I could watch you guys all night. Piers: Yes. Sharon: Oh, it's a yes from me. David: Well, it looks like hunks in trunks will be dunking in Las Vegas! They're in.


In Color? - Dancers? - Yes, they're in.
Anna Pipoyan - Belly Dancer - Yes, they're in.
Eclipse - Rapper - David: We've not had a rapper on this show yet as good as you. Yes, he's in.

8yo girl, Eleisha Miller. Piano, sing. "Proud Mary". Definitely a personality. David: Inspirational to all the kids out there. Very cute, very funny, but singing needs a little work. (I think so, too.) Sharon: I don't know what to do with you. I'm gonna have to say No... I'm sorry. Piers: Yes. David: I love your honesty, and the way you take over the stage. Yes. She's in.


Timez2 (singing duo), twins. Singers. Definite energy. Rappers. Audience into it. David: Terrific. Piers: I didn't want to like you two, and then you were quite good. Sharon: Alright, you've got the grinding and the pumping and all that, but you have to work more on your voices. David: Yes. Piers: I think Sharon's right about the voices. No. Sharon: Oh, it's yes. They're in.

75yo retired phone operator. Grandma Lee. From Florida. It was my dream, and I finally decided to live my dream. Comedian. Not bad. Audience chants VEGAS. Piers: You may be my favorite contestant this season... ("You know? Everybody says Piers is the mean one, but I think he's cute." (LOL)) (I'd do him!) Yes all around. She's in.


Barbara Padilla, full-time, stay-at-home Mom from Houston. Singer. Operatic. VERY good. Audience cheers in the middle, twice. And she carried it off. Standing Ovation and from Sharon and David. Piers: What an amazing voice you've got. (I've lived through miracles... I'm a cancer survivor. 5 years, and now in remission. And now I'm here. When you have hope, you keep going.) Sharon: Such an inspiration. Absolutely perfect. Piers: Great spirit and determination. David: You've showed us your heart. Keep singing. Piers: Massive 100% yes. Sharon: You're an incredible woman. Yes. David: Like I said, miracles come true. You're going to Vegas. Yes. (After she left stage: Sharon: Lovely, lovely, and elegant. She does have an amazing talent, and as well as her talent, she's an amazing woman.

Here are some of the individual videos from the show, including some from tonight.
Here's were you can find the full video of tonight when they post it. I will post the direct link when I can.

Direct link to full episode:

Next week... See ya then!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/07/2009)

And, we begin the auditions, again.

Los Angeles Auditions.

First up, Nathan Watkins aka: "Nasty Nate", 20yo, from Atlanta, GA, Singer. Says he can make all the greats look like amatuers. OMG! NO! Has attitude, but can't sing. Has no pitch control at all. "Simply the Best". Nope. Not by a long shot. Piers and David buzzed. David: Let's just sum this up, that was simply the worst. Piers: You're not going to Vegas, you're going to the local cab rank, to go home. Big no from David. No from Piers. No from Sharon. NOPE! (GOOD!)

Zahid Khan. One man instrument. Nope. Buzzed off.
Lealand Faulkner. Paper mask. Nope. Buzzed off.
Iota Arcane. Fastest Poet. Wrote one for AGT. "read it". Nope. Buzzed off.

Sharon: all the talent is supposed to be congregating here. Maybe they're coming after lunch, 'cause they're not...


LA, again.

David puts on the Baywatch gear (sunglasses, jacket, whistle, and board... No suit, TG!) Hopeful to "save a few careers".

Sheldon Wesley and ???, fitness instructors, "Footworks Fitness", turns step into a drum and kinda dance around it. Buzzed off.
Scott Weider, Flys a kite. Nope. Buzzed off.
Circus Runaways. Buzzed
missed name. Buzzed.
Buzzes in quick montage.
K-dizzle. Rapper. Nope.


Today's final act. 49yo Nurse, Terri Williams. Piers: The good news is you couldn't be any worse than what we've seen so far. (Yes she can!) Sharon commits Hari Kari. Piers walks off. David hits all the buzzes. Nope. (Related to Celine Dion? Didn't get the singing gene!)

Piers: Worst day in America's Got Talent. Even the Hoff couldn't rescue us today. Sharon wants to call in sick tomorrow. David said it's the worst day of his LIFE!

Break. Looks like all the weirdos and whackos hit them first day. Maybe another day will be better.

Still LA

Bri, 17yo, sing and play keyboard, "Burnin' up" (Jonas Bros). She's not bad. No buzzes. Crowd chants Vegas. Sharon: Finally someone comes on stage that has their own personality and isn't imitating someone else. Piers: You have raw talent. Piers: Yes. David: You got talent, Yes. Sharon: Yes. She's IN! (They finally got one!)


Still LA

TJ and the Little Mamas, 6-9yo dancers. Cute. David: Very, very good. Very good. Do you guys wanna go to Vegas? (YES). Yes all around. They're in.

Miss Germany, Fire act. David: One Hot Mama. Yes, all round.
Janice Martin, Aerial Silk, violin and vocal act. She's in.
Scott Brothers. Cartoon Style Popping act. They're in.


LA still.

Iconic Crew. Dancers - Good. They're in.

Robert Dunn. "Monsier Pedicure". Revolutionary Dance style - Toe dancer. Just dicovered last summer. Wiggles toe to music. Buzzed by all. David: Everytime I think the worst act in history is on our show, you are number one. Sharon: Speechless. Nope. Buzzed out.

Mario Ferrera and wife, Jennifer, Sexy and Dangerous act. Scares her, but he does that. David: You guys have come to play. Juggles chainsaws. Sharon: Got everyone's attention. David: Sexy and Dangerous, you're going to Vegas. They're in.


Last contestant of the day. Lawrence Beaman, 34yo. Singer. Native of Mississippi. "Old Man River". Deep Baritone/Bass singer. Very good. GREAT in fact. Standing Ovation, including the judges. (Very emotional/crying at end.) Sharon took a tissue to him. Piers: Amazing, stunning performance. Sharon: One of God's acts, you really are. David: What you brought to this show is class, grace and talent. And we have a lot to learn from people like you. Piers: Thing is, I'm not sure how much this audience liked you (knowing). Standing Ovation, again. Yes, all round. He's DEFINITELY in. David: He came on looking beautiful, sang beautifully... and the audience loved him.

That's it for tonight. See you tomorrow.

Full show link -

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

America's Got Talent - 2009 (07/01/2009)


Divani, Singer. from Russia, lives in NY, NO! Can't sing worth ... well, you know. Piers buzzed early. David: What happened, sweetie. D: Well, I can't sing when everybody's loud. She's out.

Jolie and Chester - She sings, he balances a lawnmower. Nope.
Rusty Reese - Singer - "If I Were a Rich Man" w/Sound effects. Nope.
Stone White - Singer - "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy". Nope.


Back at Houston.

Bunch of girls in red curly-haired wigs. Lake Houston Performing Art Center. Dancers "Shake Your Groove Thing" *Most all students. BIG group. Piers: What was the meaning behind the wigs. LH: We love the 70s and thought it brought out the dance. Piers: I think it worked. David: It's about following your dream, it's about working hard. You are an inspiration to Houston. All: YES. They're in.


Still Houston.

Pam Martin & Viva (dog). The dog's her dance partner. Not as good as some videos I've seen, but cute, and not bad at all. Sharon: Quite fabulous. (K9 Freestyle). Piers: Great. David: Yes. Sharon: Yes. Piers: There's only one thing I want to say: Viva... Las Vegas.



25yo Marti Brill. Magician. Practice every day. Not gonna screw up on AGT. When people come and see me, they go home and talk about me for years. The magic world will never be the same. I'm gonna show the world that magicians can win AGT. Card from mouth. Card tricks, most of which I've seen before. Piers & Sharon buzz early. Audience isn't with him - Booing. Piers: You are the most annoying man in Miami. David: You ate a lot of cards, man, that was cool. (You didn't like the show?) It's not David Copperfield, no. Nope.

Brandon Paxton. Poems about ex-girlfriends. Nope.
Diego Baner. Singer. Teaches singing. Bass, decent, but no. *VERY hard vibrato
Wrestlers - No! Piers: Complete waste of time. You may have the guns, but we have the Cannon (Nick). As they leave, Nick says "I really respect you guys, please don't kill me."



Joseph Constantine & Casey. Illusionist. Lost everything in the past few years. One trick. Ok. David: Nice presentation, but we've seen that act at least 6-7 times, already. I'll have to think about it. Sharon: Seen the trick many times before, but not seen YOU do it before. Piers: We've seen it before, but that was the best example of it we've seen. And we can see what it means to you. This show is about giving people a break. David: There are about 100,000 stories like yours out there. It's about talent. We've seen this before, and not put them through. My answer is no. Piers: Yes. Sharon: I really appreciate the effort you've made today, and I know how important it is to you. I'm gonna have to say, YES. They're in. Their kids go on on stage with them.

Fuschiaa Foxx. Belly Dancer. Piers: Oxygen for Mr. Hasselhoff. Yes.
Circus R Us. Contortionists, and more. Yes.
Hurricane Trixterz. Tumbling "dancers". Martial Art-type dancers. Yes.



23yo Hirro Torres. from Oregon. Break-dancer. He's got moves I've never seen before. David: Absolutely terrific. Sharon: Unique, what you do. Piers: The question we ask about all acts, is do we want to see more of them. I want to see more of you. H: I was actually worried about you, man. David: Yes. Piers: You are one of the most original acts we've seen. I'm gonna say yes. Sharon: You're going to Vegas. H: Wants to be the first in his family to get out and do something. And feels it's happening.

That's it for tonight.
See ya next week.

Full show link: