Live show again. Tonight:
Live. Tonight's quarter-final round: Paradizo Dance, Carol Loo, Eleisha Miller, Tony Hoard & Rory, The Texas Tenors, Alizma, Charles DeWayne, Pete Peterkin, The Voices of Glory, The Fab Five, and SQ Entertainment.
Wild-Card act, The Beale Street Flippers and SQ Entertainment.
The Fab Five from Utah. (Cloggers - All sisters/mothers)
"Dial 911" was the song. Piers: I like acts that do what it says in their names. You are five
ladies, and you are fabulous. We look for everyone to step it up at this level. You did. Sharon:
Absolutely brilliant. You're fantastic. David: Blazing Mamas! I'm gonna set my house on fire, will
you come and put it out? You brought your A-Game. (They did a good job.)
Charles DeWayne from California (musician/singer)
Bill Withers' "Just the Two of Us". Sharon: I think they like you. It's great to see you here on our stage. You know I'm a big fan. Great song for a dinner with my old man, but not for this show. Bring it up next time, please. David: More intimacy to bring us into you. The best part was when we got to see your face. You'll be back. Piers: Apologizing for the negativity of my two cohorts. I am even more convinced, after that, that you could be a major star. (I think the song worked well. He did a wonderful job with it, too.)
Carol Loo, 63yo from Jersey City (Unique Dancer)
Piers buzzed her. David: Hofftastic. I love your energy. Terrific. Great Job. Piers: I'm trying to find some positives from this. It's a million dollar competition, I don't think it's a million dollar act. Sharon: You have chultzpa for doing what you did at 63. You can dance. It's different, but you can dance. (Ok. It was fun, but I don't see her going through.)
Tony Hoard & Rory from New Castle, IN (Frizbee Dog act)
Comes out dressed like Hoff on Baywatch. Dog's dressed, too. Piers buzzed. Piers: He dropped almost every frizbee you chucked at him. But, just to clarify my thoughts, I don't blame Rory, I blame you. Poor old Rory was trying to catch up, and he almost fell off. Sharon: I think the dancers and loud music distracted him. David: I liked it all. I think the new show should be called RoryWatch. I loved it. (I like them, and they could do better, but I'm not sure they'll make it. Too much was missed. One Frizbee scooted off the stage, and Rory wanted to go for it, but was called back. And he missed a few - not almost ALL, as Piers said. We'll see.)
Eliesha Miller, 9yo from Texas. Singer/Dancer
"I Got the Music in Me" Piers buzzed. Sharon: Did you enjoy the dancing. (Yes I did.) Good, cause you dancing was really really good. But we did have a couple of problems with the vocals. David: I'm don't know if you're gonna win this competition, because I love your energy. I know you're going to go on to a long and lasting career. Piers: We're friends, right? And friends are honest with each other. I think you need to fire your vocal teacher. I think you are an amazing young girl, you're incredibly funny, you have great confidence, you're great on stage, but I don't think singing is what you do best. (For her age, I think she sang decently. I mean, as a broadway show-singer. She does dance well, and takes control of the stage. She could easily play Annie.)
Paradizo Dance from Brooklyn (the husband and wife - 11 months - dancers - where she lifts him some)
David: I wish I could vote, because I'd vote for you guys. You've already taken it to the next level. Piers: That was incredible. It's an incredible act. Every time I think about the difference in weight... It's an incredible thing that you do. Sharon: I love love this show so much because it gives people like you a stage. It's just magnificent. Very unique, and I love that about you.
(She held him up twice, but there were some GREAT moves in there. They SHOULD go through!)
The Texas Tenors from Texas (singers)
"God Bless the USA (I Proud to be an American)"
Piers: God Bless America! That makes me proud to be an American, and I'm not even American. That was one of the cheeziest things I've ever seen. But with the harmonies, it was stunning. Sharon: Very patriotic. I loved it. But you in the middle, you're hott! David: I don't think he's hott. You guys would be great on the 4th of July. You need to do a ballad and draw all these ladies into you.
(GREAT. Cheesy? Maybe a little, but they did a fantastic job. Wife already says, They get my vote. I don't think she cares if they can sing. Well, she IS very "country". )
SQ Entertainment from Boston (Dance crew - w/stunts)
Sharon: That was mean. You're mean but good. I know typically you perform in the street, how was it on the stage, lights, audience. I thought the choreography was great. It was really entertaining. David: I thought the dancing was great, but I couldn't figure out the story. If you get voted back, try to bring it all together and tell the story. Piers: I'll be honest. I didn't think you should have come back. After that performance, and I don't say this lightly, it will make me miserable to say this: I was wrong. I got the meanness. I got the story. Could have been a bit tighter, but I liked it. (Not that good, far as I'm concerned. I don't think they'll make it.)
Pete Peterkin (mimic)
Comes out as Obama. Turns tables on Jamie Foxx imitating Obama, does Jamie Foxx doing Ray Charles singing "Georgia". David: When you came out as Obama, I though, Oh man, I've seen this before, I need to buzz him. Then you did Ray Charles. That was good. Piers: The Obama material was terrible. The Ray Charles was good, but I couldn't get it straight. Obama imitating Jamie Foxx imitating Ray Charles. (A little over your head. - Piers buzzed him.) It's never too late for a buzz. It was confusing. Sharon: It was really over my head, too. It was good. I know it was good, but next time, simpler is better. (Yes... Simpler would be better. I don't know about him. He's one I could see doing Obama on Jay Leno or SNL. Not sure about a Vegas act. If he gets through, he's gonna have to pick it up.)
Alizma from Nevada (triplet violinists)
"Natural Woman" They sing first - two on violin and one singing, then they do harmonies. Sharon buzzed. One hits a high note, and David and piers buzzed. Piers: Seriously, I think my eardrums exploded. Sharon: Why are we doing the stipper moves, girls. I don't know if you're a stipper, a violin act, or singers. (We love sexy.) I can tell. David: It was just kinda all over the place. Your singing wasn't your forte, but your violin-playing was. But your singing was like strippers on acid. That's not what you should be doing. If you come back, you should look at the tape, and do that. That's what got you to the next round. (DAMN! That high note was high. Piers said, "High-G", and she did it again. They can sing, but their accents are so strong, it's hard to understand. They like "sexy", and think that that's Vegas. Yes, and no. At least not through this show. I doubt they'll make it through, though they ARE VERY nice to look at, and do seem to be talented violinists. Singers? Not so much.)
The Beale Street Flippers from Tennessee (Acrobatic dance)
Piers buzzed at end. Piers: I just got a bit bored with that. You are great flippers, but if you asked the audience if they wanted to watch that for 90 minutes, they'd say no. Not varied enough. Sharon: He is right, you need to diversity. David: I thought you guys did a terrific job. If you are voted back, you need to do something to sustain it. You're the best flippers I've ever seen. (They are good, but this one was not near as good as their audition, I didn't think.)
Voices of Glory from New York (3 kids, siblings, singers)
"You'll Never Walk Alone". David: That was what this show is about. You guys are fantastic. You guys have the right attitude. Piers: I thought it was a bit shaky in parts. Loved the suits. What we discovered tonight, is you have a star in your midst. It's your little sister. When you got shaky, she took it over. Sharon: I think tonight is your night. You're very special. (Great haromonies. Near the end, the recording kicked in too soon or something, and Nadia pushed through it.)
Wife: Fab Five, Charels DeWayne, Paradiso Dance, Texas Tenors, Voices of Glory
Me: Fab Five, Charles DeWayne, Paradiso Dance, Texas Tenors, Voices of Glory
(WOW! A rarity! We both picked the same five!)
NBC will post the new individual videos here: You can also look at some of the past acts there.
Highlights from Season 4 are here:
They'll post the new full season 4 shows here:
And the full show is here: