Hollywood, Baby! Live Episode #1! The first xxx acts perform for YOUR(Our) vote.
12 Quarterfinalists. 4 move on.
Segment #1
Nick interviews the judges (Piers, Sharon, and Howie), and asks them what they are expecting tonight.
Three "X"s mean the act is over, but America can still vote them in.
Kung Fu Heroes (team of six)
Using real weapons tonight.
They do kung fu moves to music, so it's a dance of sorts.
War hammer, whip, spears, scimtars, flips, etc..
Piers: I've got to be very careful, because if I say the wrong thing, you'll kill me. It wasn't an entertainment routine,
it was a martial arts routine. It wasn't as
Sharon: I must say it was more of a Martial Arts exhibition. When you come back, I want to see more choreographed.
Howie: I agree with my cohorts. I've gotta figure out the niche. Will America come see the show? It's Power Rangers with no
shirts and eye shadow, is what it is.
(They did a good job, but was more "routine" than a dance. It's entertaining once, but for multiple shows?)
Segment #2
Chistina & Ali (sisters with Cystic Fibrosa) (Singers)
Difficult song tonight.
"God Blessed the Broken Road (That Led Me Straight to You)"
Sharon: Every time I see you two, you make me smile. When you perform it's such a positive performance. I'm not going to
say anything negative.
Howie: You are so beautiful and inspirational, whether there was a not missed or not, it really doesn't matter.
Piers: It does matter, it's a talent competition. Lets' concentrate on your singing. You were very nervous. Once you got
together on your harmoies, I really started to enjoy it. You were better than your audition, and that's what we're looking
(VERY nervous, but when they got together with the harmonies, it was fantastic.)
Segment #3
Airpocalypse (Air band - no instruments)
People don't take them seriously. But they don't want people to think they are not serious.
To prepare, it's been constant focus, new stage, doing something they've never done before.
"Final Countdown on Spanish Guitar -> Final Countdown ROCKIN' -> My Sharona" Girls on stage with them, fireworks at the
Howie: I gotta tell you, since you've been on the audition, I've been on Twitter. There's contoversy. I am here. I'm
entertained. It's up to America.
Piers: 1/2 the acts on the charts lip-synch. What's the difference between them and what you do?
Sharon: when you left your drum riser, you ran through your drum kit (air). You have to go around it. (I kicked it over.)
You are great actors. It's about acting. It's not serious, it's fun. And you are great actors.
(They're good at what they do. Not sure if it would weear for a full-length show, though they apparently get 30,000 people coming to see them in concert...)
Segment #4
The Hot Shot Tap Dancers (Three brothers and a sister)
Dream has always been to be dancers, since they were little.
Howie: A lot of pressure on them. Because ANY mistake can send them home.
Piers: You looked great, love the costumes. My issue is what we call in Britain "Umphf". It seemed a little safe. And to do a dance act, you have to explode.
Sharon: I loved it. I loved your relaxed style, and also you made it very current. I think that this will make tapping very current. You're really cool.
Howie: I like the blend of the classic past (the dance) with the music. I think with this choreography that you spent too much time with it. You should have concentrated more on the dancing. Sometimes you try too hard and you try in the wrong direction. But you're great. I hope you make it.
(The "story" that Howie was taliing about was a bit much. They do want to tell stories with their dancing, but it didn't work for me. The dancing, though, did.)
Segment #5
Paul Safy, Jr. (Singer) (from Buffallo, NY)
Sacrificed family life. Jobs that are flexible. Missing holidays (haven't been home for Thanksgiving for three years).
Life is about hard work, I'm ready.
"Cry Me a River"
Sharon: You have a great tone in your voice, the classic "Vegas" sound. I think your performance is a bit dated for your age. I think you need to work on your delivery. You've got the chops. Get more current with your approach.
Howie: I'm not sensing a "signature sound" or as Piers called it "Umphf". It was a bit cheesy.
Piers: I like cheese. There's nothing wrong with cheese. Buble is cheesy. You need to relax. You have to let the performance come to you. Chill out a little, and you'll be fine.
(Very "big band" sounding... Sinatra, Bennett, Buble, etc. The singing was great... The movements was the "cheese", I think. LOL)
Segment #6
Future Funk (5 & 10yo - Hip-hop dancers)
Audience likes it, and chants "Future Funk"
Howie: You guys are great, you're wonderful, you're so entertaining.
Piers: You are histerical. You've got something you can't give people - Star Quality.
Sharon: Could you just remind me how old you are again? 5 & 10. Are you dating? (Howie: Do you like girls? no) Amazing. Sensational.
Nick: Where's the after-party. (Kids: At the hotel!)
(Cute, but I don't know...)
Sally Cohn (hand-whistler)
Howie: She is unique. I personally believe that there's a place in show-business for quirky people.
(before she does her thing)
Audience, standing ovation
Nick comes out - Great song selection. A little more money for my wife (was a Mariah Carey song - I didn't recognize it.)
Piers: That is one of the best... That is THE best rendition of that song (Mariah Carey's song). How do you feel (Jubilant. My inner kitty-cat is purring. Oh is it purring.) How do you describe hand-whistling. (A form of music, I can use to entertain.)
Sharon: I'm speechless. I don't know what to say, except that you will probably bring hand-whistling to the forefront in America.
Howie: You're a dirty girl... Here's my thing... I love you. This lit up the twitter boards. You've got a great personality. If you were on the Tonight Show, I'd tune in to see what you had to say. If you were at Oz-Fest, I'd go see you.
(Missed a few notes, but personality-wise, she's got it. And she IS pretty good at the hand-whistling - Best I've seen - Like I've seen a lot of them. LOL)
Segment #7
Nick Pike (Juggler/Acrobat) - Not in top 48. One of the danger acts (the guy and girl) had to withdraw. That put him back in the show.
Pushing the limits tonight to do the most dangerous performance of his life. Added fire to everything.
Nick Cannon: Everyone, Do NOT try this at home!
Piers buzzed. 6' flaming unicycle, juggling flaming batons, set his pants on fire. Nick put them out.
Sharon: Nick. That was just 90 seconds, right? Yes with one week's practice. They said you had to be on fire to go to the semi-finals.
Howie: here's the thing. I think you're incredibly talented. That said, it's too much. I couldn't tell what you are - a juggler, an acrobat, or what? I don't know how to frame this act. I think you'll find that America loves it.
Piers: I wasn't. I thought it was a bit of a shambles, the whole thing. If you take the fire out, you have some mediocre juggling, you jumping through a hoop...
(It was ok. A bit frenetic. I think the "danger" part in it tonight was setting his pants on fire at the end of the act.)
Segment #8
RNG (young dance group)
Judges said "go hard or go home" (problems with a lift. Dropped her once)
Nightmare - one girl the others as Zombies.
Howie: here's the thing - I think you have a great future in dance. It felt like a dance recital.
Piers: I agree with Howie. What Howie and I felt was that you're not quite there, yet. I think you should go away, and try again (they're all 11).
Sharon: The problem, at your age, is coming up with a dance that is appropriate. I think you did tonight. You all danced well.
(It was ok. They ARE young, and it was "appropriate" for their age. Maybe that was why it didn't click so much with me.)
Segment #9
Maricar - Painter
Brought "sexy" back to painting.
She's painting underwater this week.
Drew Piers.
Howie: I have to say you have a terrific pair of lungs.
Sharon: I applaud you because you have made art Sexy. I know you couldn't practice this except in your tub.
(It wasn't THAT great. She should have been in a bikini... But the art was good.)
We'll find out tomorrow night who made it through.
Segment #10
Fighting Gravity (black-light dancers)
A frat that put this together on a lark.
Audience: Standing Ovation
Howie: I just wanna say, again, you blew me away. The most unique thing I've seen with a black-light.
Sharon: Incredible. And the prospects for this act are endless. I've just got to say, Blue-man Group and Circue de Soleil move over.
Piers: Sheer uniqueness and technique, that was the performance of the night.
(They're in for me. When I saw the COMMERCIAL for AGT this year, and they were on, I thought "VEGAS".)
Segment #11
Nathaniel Kenyon
Sings at a home for the elderly every Saturday night.
Used to singing for 10 people .
No rehersal today... Throat on fire... And sick, now.
Say a prayer, hope for the best.
"Lips of an Angel"
(He has a Rob Thomas voice)
Howie (wearing a mask): Under the circumstances, I think you've done a wonderful job. Young girls are going to love you (screams from the audience). I just have to say, Justin Bieber just called... He wants his hair back. (Nate: Mr Clean just called...)
Piers: I'm not gonna kid you. That wasn't the best vocal performance. However, I think we're beginning to see in you, the flowering of a pop star. You've got something. You've definitely got someting.
Sharon: You've got the "it" factor. And if this wasn't good, I can't wait to see you go on, and I know you will.
Damn... Only four will make it through... That's tough. There are a LOT of good acts here, or acts I'd like to see again.
Our votes for tonight:
Me: Christina & Ali... Airpocalypse... Fighting Gravity... Nathaniel Kenyon...
Chris: Christina & Ali... Airpocalypse... Fighting Gravity... Nathaniel Kenyon
We'll see who makes it through, tomorrow, Live again.
C'ya, then. ;-)
Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/video/categories/season-5/1231814/
Highlights: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/video/categories/season-5-highlights/1231785/