Wednesday, June 22, 2011

America's Got Talent (AGT) (2011) - Season 6 (06/23/2011)

Opening segment

New York Auditions

Triple Threat - Broadway Act - Sing/Dance & Act
Sharon buzzed
Howie buzzed
Piers buzzed
Piers: You need to change the look, the singing, the dancing... remove the cheese factor
No, all round

Joel "The Cannon" Podelsky - Pumpkin Pie Eater (under 70 secs)

Boston Typewriter Orchestra
Piers: Reminded me of Howie... Very long annoying noise

The Parrot Wizard
Piers buzzed

Commercials / Segment #2

John Pizzi - Ventrilloquist
Nick as the "dummy"
I don't know

Snap Boogie - Dancer
(Street Dancer)
[Pretty good!]
Audience likes it. "VEGAS"
Sharon: Feel good? (Yeah)
Howie: I'm here to judge, and I judge you fantastic.
Piers: You're exciting, a little bit wild. I liked it.
Sharon: It's tough being a dancer on your own. You are such a free spirit, I love that.
Yes, all round.

Commercials / Segment #3

Michael Turko - Magician
Makes girls appear
Howie: If you don't make it as a magician, you can make it as a dating service!
Piers: I wish I could produce 5 women out of thin air like that.
Yes, all round.

Riley Schillizi(sp?) - Sword Swallower
Piers buzzed
Howie and Sharon cringe
Nick pulls one of the swords out of her throat
Howie: Your presentation... The joy you exude... Some people do things with a flourish. Smile... Smile.
Howie: I've seen sword swallowers... I think you need to work on your performance. No
Sharon: No
Piers: No

Auditions that popped - montage of prior acts, and acts to come.

Commercials / Segment #4

Steven Retchless - Professional Dancer (A Pole-fessional - Male Pole Dancer)
Audience loves it
Piers buzzed
Sharon gave a standing ovation
Sharon: You should be called Steve the magnificent. You are all things to everyone. I think you are quite androgenous, and I think everyone will just fall in love with you. Desire
Piers: I will NOT be falling in love with Steve. I didn't get it.
Piers: (Audience tries to get him to say yes) No.
Sharon: Well, that was an epic surprise. Steve darling... It's a big yes.
Howie: I've never been more torn. (Piers: Do you want Steve, or do you not want Steve)... Ok... Yes.
He's through.
Nick comes out and tries to do the pole dance.
Howie: I think I did the right thing based on talent. I have no idea where this will go...

Commercials / Segment #5

Acts get weird montage

Elew - Pianist
Sweet Home Alabama, but VERY strangely
Sharon & Howie - Standing Ovation
Piers: Now that is how you play the piano
Howie: You know, I've never seen anyone play piano that way, before. What did you do on the inside?
Piers: I think you're a bit of a genius, yes
Howie: No question about it... Yes
Sharon: Yes

Commercials / Segment #6

Landeau Eugene Murphy, Jr - Musician
Frank Sinatra-like voice "Under My Skin"
Howie - Standing Ovation
Audience VEGAS
Howie: I've got to say, you are such as surprise... You know the look vs the voice.
Piers: You come out on this stage chewing your gum, doing your little Bobbie voice and the Howie Mandal worship... And you were great. You are why we do the show. You come out of nowhere with that voice...
Howie: Your life is never gonna be the same (Landeau cries)
Sharon: We're gonna vote.
Piers: You didn't know how good you were, and now you do. Yes.
Howie and Sharon: yes

I think that was the end of the first hour. Now they do a reprise of the Seattle auditions.

Commercials / Segment #7

We now join AGT already in progress

Some Seattle auditions - from prior show

w/The Rice Rockettes (Drag Queens)
Mr Mystic PTP

Commercials - I'm not going to continue. I reviewed these earlier.

So, that's it. See you next Tuesday!

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