America's Got Talent (AGT) 2013 - 09/17/2013 - RCMH, NY - Live Finale
NBC Highlights.
Results of the choices from the Top 6 will be by America's vote.
The Top 6 are:
Kenichi Ebina
Cami Bradley
Taylor Williamson
Jimmy Rose
Collins Keys
Everything hangs on us at home.
Each finalist will take the stage twice tonight, first with an act they've performed before, then later, with a new act.
Jimmy Rose (Country Singer)
Singing an original song (song he did for audition) - "Coal Keeps the Lights On"
Audience - Standing Ovation
Mel B: I wasn't a fan in the very very beginning. But you've turned that around for me.
Howie: I think America is voting for you. The thing is America is voting. You ended up going first. It was a beautiful song, nice sound.
Howard: You wrote this song. It's about your town. When people write originals, it means something to them. Well done. Great way to open the show.
Heidi: I think America fell in love with you right from the start. But you did have the talent to back that up.
JR: That song is about my own family. It's an honor to show the world what coal means to them.
[Great job. Then again, tonight, I don't believe there will be any bad jobs.]
Commercials - Segment #2
Kenichi Ebina (Performs live against video many times)
Audience and Judges - Standing Ovation
Howie: You're exactly what I said you were in the opening piece. You came back and filled the stage. People should vote for you. You deserve to win.
Howard: What's so great about tonight is you brought back that act, and you're so much better than you were then.
Heidi: My most favorite act of this season.
Mel B: I'm so glad we all got to see this again live. You are a genius. You deserve to win this.
[The guy is amazing. Theatrical, and very precise in his movements. He tells a story and does it very well.]
Commercials - Segment #3
Cami Bradley (Singer)
Singing "Believe" by Cher in her own style.
Audience and Judges - Standing Ovation
Howard: Cami, you're making a jerk outta me. I just told Kenichi he'd win. Now I'm telling you you'll win. Its like watching a catepillar turn into a butterfly.
Heidi: I'm just so proud of you, you know, what you do with a song. When you do a song, you put tears in peoples' eyes.
Mel B: You are a class act. Your voice, I could listen to it forever.
Howie: Out of all the singers on the show, I think you're the best. You are the only star. You are unique.
[Wonderful. She's going to have a CD or more than one out before too long, win or lose.]
Commercials - Segment #4
Colins Keys (Magician)
Closeup Magic
Heidi: When it is this close... I mean my eyes were full-on focusing... I don't know how you did it.
Howie: It is amazing. You sir are the master of confusion.
Howard: I am nervous for you tonight. 17yo, let's remind America of that.
Mel B: I think that was one of your best performances. You listened to Howard. You sped it up a little. And I almost got to kiss Heidi.
[As they said, how'd he do that? Good job, Collins. It's gonna take America's vote, though. They HAVE to vote for you!]
Commercials - Segment #5
Tomorrow is the Season Finale. One person will win. Contestants will be performing with stars tomorrow. The show starts at 9:00, 8:00 Central.
Forte (Operatic Trio)
Vegas Week Performace "The Prayer"
Audience and Judges (not Howie) Standing Ovation
Mel B: Wow wow wow. Guys, I'm now a big lover of opera.
Howie: I didn't stand, not because I didn't love it. America's going to have to decide how does that compare to someone acting alone.
Howard: Forte, I always thought you were the front-runners. I don't know now. I can't wait to see what happens.
Heidi: I am a huge fan. I would buy your CD and if you win would come to see your show in Vegas.
[I thought it was a little weaker tonight than the first time. Not that it wasn't good, mind you... It didn't hit me the way their previous acts have. It's gonna be interesting how America votes.]
Commercials - Segment #6
Taylor Williamson (Comedian)
Audience and Judges (Not Howard or Heidi) Standing Ovation
Audience chanting "Taylor Taylor..."
Howie: Comedy is so much more than just writing a joke.
Howard: Howie is trying to make a point. It's more difficult for you to do than a singer. You have a fully evolved character.
Heidi: Taylor, It is true that I didn't like your material at the beginning but I always like YOU.
Mel B: You are very very funny. You're awkward. You're weird. And I like it a lot.
[Interesting way to rehash his jokes. But he had to. So, not bad, Taylor. America's gotta vote for you, though. We'll see.]
Commercials - Segment #7
The six acts have all performed once. Now they have to perform a new act for you.
Cami Bradley (Singer)
"I Wannt to Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles
Howard: I said it before. This is the night when we see Cami's full journey. I see the way you move now. You have developed such a confidence..l;. Congratuations.
Heidi: You never disappoint us.
Mel B: I have one word: Flawless.
Howie: When you are just singing, I have no words to describe it. When I hear you, I just want to hold your hand, and I don't do that!
[Wow. It always takes a few lines to catch onto the song, and this one was no exception. But GREAT job.]
Commercial - Segment #8
Entire opening scene from NBC's new drama - The Blacklist.
[Has looked good from the first time I saw a preview. Depends on what else is on on whether I will watch it. Many shows are being shifted around...]
Collins Key (Magician)
Mel B: How do you do it? I don't want to know, but that was breathtaking.
Howie: It was really good. I think you are getting better nad better. This wass the clearest, most concise performance you've had. And I am baffled.
Howard: I think Collins has taken what I said to heart. I think you identified what I was taliking about last week. This was coherent and good.
Heidi: I think that you're very current. I feel like you've incorporated the next generation of magic.
[At times he seems a bit rushed, but HOW DOES HE DO THAT? It's so infuriating that he does things like this, and we can't even come up with a viable explanation. THAT will get him through, if nothing else.]
Commercials - Segment #9
Jimmy Rose (Country Singer)
"The Dance" by Garth Brooks
Mel B: What can I say. You're just a great performer. I want to hear you on the radio.
Howie: I thought the dynamics were kinda missing. I thought you sang it well, but I didn't hear the dynamics. I thought it was a good rendition of Garth Brooks, but not great.
Howard: I didn't hear the knockout punch. It's not as strong as when you write your own. I don't think it connected.
Heidi: Every time when you step on stage, you give America what they want to hear. You do stay in your comfort zone, but it's beautiful.
[I heard the dynamics. His voice is very reminscent of Garth Brooks, and this one was no exception. I just don't think enough people will vote for him to win. Then again, I've been wrong before! ;-) ]
Commercials - Segment #10
Taylor Williamson (Comedian)
Heidi: When I first met you, I was smitten. But I was very confused by your jokes.
Mel B: You are just fu-uh-nny.
Howie: That' all you're supposed to be. Your mother is here tonight. She should be so proud.
Howard: You really deserve a shot at this. In the past, comedians get overlooked. You need to vote for this guy if you believe in him. So many acts are fast-forward moments... With the dancing and singing I want to fast forward. With you, I don't. You're a contender.
[He's very good. It's like Howard said, though... Comedians get overlooked (except Terry Fator, Howard! However standup comedians without props do! ;-) ) America's gonna have to vote if they want him to win. (Duh? I've been trying to say that all along, but it's the ONLY way anyone is going to win, so ... LOL).]
Commercials - Segment #11
Kenichi Ebina (Performer - Not sure what to call him! LOL)
Audience and Judges (but Mel B) - Standing Ovation
Mel B: I think you are amazing. I think that performace is a little off for me. I'm sorry.
Heidi: I think that your creativity is limitless. When you dance in a video game. When you died and go to heaven... If I could be home, I'd vote for you.
Howard: Never a dull moment. Mel B is wrong. I'm oddly attracted to you as a blond woman. This guy is mesmorizing... This is a celebration of Kenichi tonight, not AGT.
Howie: I don't know how fair it is - what you do and what Taylor does... They have to vote!
[Cool. He was not quite as precise tonight, but he was pretty damn close and pretty damn good. I've never seen anyone do what he does.]
Forte (Operatic Singers)
Audience and Judges - Standing Ovation
Heidi: I grew up with this song, listening to Pavarati singing it. I loved it.
Mel B: What a way to end this show. It's hard to believe you three came together and first performed on this show. Brilliant.
Howie: America's going to have to make a decision. You guys were great. I stood for you.
Howard: I don't even want to like this opera. I don't want to be negative. I want to advise America. You guys are like the Crosby Stills and Nash of opera. You harmonize so perfectly.
Performances are over. America decides who is going to win. Vote tonight or don't complain when your favorite doesn't make it.
Cya tomorrow. ;-)
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