Wednesday, September 10, 2014

America's Got Talent (AGT) 2014 - Live results Show @ RCMH - 09/10/2014

The Top 12 results show

Remember - I try to quote correctly, but as fast as they move sometime and the keyboard still giving my fingers fits, I paraphrase, sometimes.

Sorry I couldn't review last night's Top 12 show. Had a problem with my phone and my son was trying to tell me how to fix it OVER it. Also got a new printer and had a couple of issues installing IT. We got them done but it took almost the whole two hours.

All Videos -
Full Episodes -

The 12 acts from which the final six will be chosen tonight:
Howie's Wildcard - Mike Super (Magician)
Sons of Serendip (Musical group)
Emily West (Singer)
Miguel Dakota (Singer)
Mara Justine (12yo Singer)
David and Leeman (Magicians)
AcroArmy (Acrobatic troupe)
Emil & Dariel (Cellists)
Mat Franco (Magician)
Quintavious Johnson (12yo Singer)
Blue Journey (Animation and Ballet)
Christian Stoinev (Acrobat w/Scooby the Chihuahua)


Muppets introduce show with The Muppet Show song.

Nick and Kermit are introduced and they introduce the judges.
Montage of the acts' performances last night.

Emil and Dariel, Miguel Dakota, Sons of Serendip (5th, 6th and 7th)
Snapple's Save Vote by TV viewing audience.


5th-7th waiting for vote.
Advice from Jackie Evancho.

Reddi Wip After Party

First group: Emily West, Mara Justine
America has voted. The first act going through to the Top 6 (Finals) is: Emily West
EW - I have a lot of emotion. Thank you very much.
Howard - There are no words to describe how great you were last night. Your song-choice and originality got you there.

Second group: AcroArmy, Blue Journey
America has voted. The next act going through to the Top 6 is: AcroArmy
AA - We feel awesome.
Howie - That was amazing. How much more precision can we have. Unbelievable.


Jackie Evancho performs


Mel B and Heidi perform with Miss Piggy

Third group: Quintavious Johnson, Christian Stoinev
America has voted. The next act going through to the Top 6 is: Quintavious Johnson
QJ - I feel good.
Heidi - Congratulations, America got it right. Good luck for the next round.

Third group: Mat Franco, Mike Super, David & Leeman
America has voted. The next act going through to the Top 6 is: Mat Franco
MF - To be in the Final 6 - Can't even describe it now.
Howard - You are the only magician left. I think you have a shot.


Last group: Emil and Dariel, Miguel Dakota, Sons of Serendip (5th, 6th and 7th)
America has voted. The Snapple Save vote goes to: Sons of Serendip (Made it to the Top 6/Finals)
SoS - We learned to believe in ourselves and are happy America believes in us, too,.
Howie - I said you guys musically are the best in this year's show. Keep doing what you're doing.l


Judge's choice between Emil and Dariel and Miguel Dakota
Heidi - E&D I think yo8u guys are fantastic. You rocked out on the stage and I loved it. And Miguel is a new stud muffin... Miguel
Mel B - Miguel - I have been with you all along. E&D - I love you, too. - Miguel
Howie - E&D / M - I said all along you are a superstar. E&D
Howard - E&D
America voted for Miguel Dakota.


So the Top 6 is:
Emily West (Singer)
AcroArmy (Acrobatic troupe)
Quintavious Johnson (12yo singer)
Mat Franco (Magician)
Sons of Serendip (Musical group)
Miguel Dakota (Singer)

Finals next Tuesday. Cya then.

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