Tuesday, August 13, 2013

America's Got Talent (AGT) 2013 - 08/13/2013 - RCMH, NY (Live Show #4)

NOTE: RCMH = Radio City Music Hall throughout.

NBC Highlights.


Only four (4) from this group of twelve (12) will go through to the semi-finals.

Three-Penny Chorus and Orchestra (obvious)
Chloe Channell (11yo Singer)
Champions Forever (Unicyclist/Basketball Spinning Family)
Sensetion (Video Dance group)
The Robotix (Rock Band - Oldest is 16yo)
Timber Brown (Acrobatic Aerialist)
Cami Bradley (Singer)
Tummy Talk (Guys drumming on a guy's belly)
Taylor Williamson (Comedian)
Aerial Ice (Ice Skating/Acrobatics/Aerials)
David Ferman (Juggler)
Jimmy Rose (Country Singer)


Three-Penny Chorus and Orchestra (obvious)
Mel B: I love you guys. I am not sure if this song works as well as the first one. I think it's just a difficult one to come across as you do it.
Howie: I think the uniqueness of what you do is the surprise.
Howard:  It's not that the song is the wrong song, but that we've seen the act before. Can we see it over and over again.
Heidi: You guys put me in a good mood. Normally you think of an orchestra kind of snooty. I liked the comedy you added.
[I thought they did a great job. Yes, now we've seen their "act", we know what to expect, but the surprise is the songs they do. I thought the song was great, and their style was great.]

Commercials - Segment #2

Chloe Channell (11yo Singer)
Howie: You're an amazing little girl. Was there a moment where you lost your breath or something. I can't believe you're 11yo. You sing it like you've lived it.
Howard: I think you lost your breath because you were nervous. I think you made a good effort.
Heidi: Don't listen to him. You're 11yo and you've performed at RCMH.
Mel B: First and formost, you have an incredible voice. I think you had too much to do. If you get through, just be you.
[I thought she did well. She didn't freak out on the "losing her breath" moment like many kids her age would. She played it off, and I just barely noticed it. Kinda depends on how everyone else does. We'll see.]

Commercials - Segment #3

Champions Forever (Unicyclist/Basketball Spinning Family)
15-20' high unicycles
Howard: Great family to watch. There's every reason in the world I should love this. For some reason it comes off like wallpaper. I watch it and kinda zone out. I like you guys. I think you gave it a good shot.
Heidi: I don't know. I liked it. The family who plays together stays together.
Mel B: I think you're all great. I found it a little repetative and boring.
Howie: The thing is, you separate... The story and the talent not only makes you a great production, but a great reproduction (Husband, wife, and TWELVE kids!)
[It's a circus act, but then aren't most on AGT, typically? What people don't realize about how good they are, five of them (older kids) were holding steady on 15-20' unicycles through the judges' comments. And they do this with spinning basketballs, usually. And at the end, four year old twins came out on unicycles (short ones) to the group. They're GOOD. We'll have to see. This is one of the reasons I don't really like Howard Stern as a judge. People DO follow him, and could vote acts he mentions as "bad" or "boring" out, simply because he said so, not because they didn't deserve it.]

Commercials - Segment #4

Sensetion (Video Dance group)
Heidi: I have to be honest. You lost my attention very very quickly. I do like the technology of all this, but felt is was more of an opening act.
Mel B: I think some of it worked and some of it didn't. I like you.
Howie: This is exactly what we love here at AGT. You were watching us and were inspired. I can see a mashup of prior acts...
Howard: What was the story here? I saw a dog in a box and then an American Flag. What was the story? We were lost. We were kinda drifting. There was dance, but it was barely visible...
[I didn't get the story, either, but the technology and dance were great. One of the three had a problem with his suit "going out" for a while, but they played through it, as if they were on a big Vegas Stage. (Then again, what is the RCMH stage? Chopped liver? LOL)]

Commercials - Segment #5

The Robotix (Rock Band - Oldest is 16yo)
Audience - Standing O
Mel B: Robotix, you sounded great tonight. You have a great voice. I want you (singer) to come out more. Rock on baby.
Howie: That band is off the hook. And you sir, as a drummer, you have so much energy.
Howard: The good is you guys are all great musicians. The bad is the drummer was the best of the band. I think that song was too much for you.
Heidi: For me it felt like I was watching school of rock live and I like that movie.
[I thought they did a great job on a Black Sabbath song. As a lead singer, the girl could have been a little more "Ozzy", but otherwise, they did a great job, I thought.]

Commercials - Segment #6

Timber Brown (Acrobatic Aerialist)
Standing O by all judges (but Mel) and audience
Howie: We have been waiting the whole night ... When it comes to this point on this stage, you've got to ramp it up. Everyone's done fine. Everyone's done great.
Howard: He took an aerial act and made it cool. There's no net. That's a danger act!
Heidi: You're my favorite act tonight. I think you deserve an act in Vegas.
Mel B: I have to say, America has to vote for you because I did think that was incredible.
[It's an aerial act... Great job at it (with no net or wires or helmets or...). He should make it.]

Commercials - Segment #7

Cami Bradley (Singer)
Howard: Well now we're having a fantastic night on AGT. America will vote for you, you deserve it. That song, Believe, and for the first time, the words mean something. You are right up there with Lady Gaga.
Heidi: I thought you were very clever playing the song the way you did. Your voice was beautiful.
Mel B: I think you've given Cher a new way to sing that song.
Howie: You said things like this don't happen to people like you. You're a star. That's exactly what happens to people like you.
[Beautiful version. She should be in.]

Commercials - Segment #8

Tummy Talk (Guys drumming on a guy's belly)
Howie buzzed
Heidi: Ayai yai yai. I feel like we're put into a position to laugh at you and not with you. I felt uncomfortable.
Mel B: I liked the first time I saw you when they were just slapping your body, but...
Howie: You're doing comedy on comedy, and it doesn't work.
Howard: The act doesn't work. This is going to sound kinda funny coming from Fartman, but this was kinda juvenile to me.
[I DO think they "brought it". I mean, it IS a comedy act. It HAS to be. The extra drumming showed that the suit guys are all good drummers. The big guy is the center of the act and has to carry the humor more than the others. I think the judges got it all wrong. I don't know that this act will go through, but who knows?]

Commercials - Segment #9

Taylor Williamson (Comedian)
Standing O by audience and Howie
Mel B: I do find you funny. Tonight was a little bit hit and a little bit miss for me. When you get nervous you mumble a little and I didn't catch everything.
Howie: You can't judge just on the material. He's an awkward guy.
Howard: First of all, you're a very likeable guy. You did very well. You've gotta deliver. I think you did.
Heidi: I am the meany. When you're just being you, you're kinda quirky. I'm looking for an act I can go with with my family. Too much explaining to my kids.
[I've heard worse comedians. But I've heard better. His act was good tonight. He has a strange nasally tone that bugs me after a VERY short time. But I liked the material.]

Commercials - Segment #10

Aerial Ice (Ice Skating/Acrobatics/Aerials)
Howie: This is a year of combining different talents. I thought it was fine.
Howard: I am really pleased. This is so wonderful. You did exactly what I wanted you to do - You stepped it up. Look at what you're doing... These ladies' heads are so close to the synthetic ice...
Heidi: Awesome
Mel B: I wasn't as blown away as everyone else. The tricks that you did near the end I wish you'd have started with them. I'm not saying you're not great...
[Synthetic Ice, huh? Never heard of it. But I thought they did a great job.]

David Ferman (Juggler)
Heidi: You always come up with something new and different.
Mel B: What you do is very dangerous. This is your problem. We don't always know when it starts and when it ends.
Howard: You have to work on the showmanship. Your setup takes too long.
Howie: The tricks are amazing. Most kids your age are working on a fryer, not hanging over it.
Howard: And he juggled upside down. I've never seen that before.
[I thought he was good. He does have to work on getting everyone excited and into the act, but his tricks are fantastic.]

Commercials - Segment #11

Jimmy Rose (Country Singer)
Standing O by audience
Heidi: You sing with a lotta heart and sole. You're super-relaxed. You sing from the heart.
Mel B: That's one of my favorite songs. You ahve a great voice and story. We'll see.
Howie: If Marty, a couple of weeks ago, is any indication... You did 100% better than Marty.
Howard: If there was a checkbox for AGT, you've got them all. I thought it lacked a little feeling - kinda of a Bobby Goldboro vibe to it.

There ya go. Those are the twelve acts.

Cya tomorrow for the results show.

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