Tuesday, June 15, 2010

America's Got Talent (AGT) (2010) - June 15, 2010 - Auditions

from New York, this show

Segment #1

Mary Ellen 74yo - Keyboard and sing
Patsy Cline "Crazy" then yodelling
Piers buzzed before she started singing (playing KB)
Sharon Buzzed
Sharon buzzed Howie's buzzer
Piers - There may have been one or two missed notes in there.
Sharon - You're absolutely barking mad, but I love you
Howie - You said before that people say you sing like Patsy Cline. You know you don't, right? (Yes) I loved you.
Piers - No. Howie - Yes. Sharon - Yes.
Crowd was NOT into it until she started yodeling.

Break - Segment #2

Rudi Maccogi - Balance act (on head on basketball on chair)
Howie - If you were to go on, what do we have to look forward to. (Something that will blow your socks off.) Yes
Sharon - Yes
Piers - I LIKE you (Rudi's tag line)

Girl Dance Troup (missed name)
Howie - I actually felt as if my mullet was returning. Yes.
Piers - Yes
Sharon - I like you - Yes.

Derek - Yoyo performance
Piers - Yes
Howie - I love you, so yes
Sharon - Yes

Michael Grasso - Magician
A switcharoo. Good one.
Crowd: "Vegas"
Howie - Wow.
Sharon - No idea how it was done. I like your style. You have a cool factor about you.
Piers - Absolutely brilliant.
Yes, all round.

Segment #3

Anna & Patryck - Dancers (young)
Sharon - Fantastic. There's not one bad thing I can say. You're a delight to watch.
Piers - You are very, very good dancers.
Yes, all round.

Just The Two Of Us - Lute (he built), Flute * sing (married 35 years)
Buzzed off.
Sharon - I think you're both adorable. But the singing...
No, all round.

Segment #4

39yo Chale (Joseph Ray) - Wants to become a Singer/Voice-over talent
A bad lounge act (singing) "The Look Of Love" for Sharon
No, all round.

Lovell & Little Willie
Buzzed off.

Main Squeeze Orchestra - Accordian band
Song: Bohemian Rhapsody
Piers and Sharon buzzed
Howie buzzed.
Sharon - Sounds like a massive Merry-Go-Round

Nina (9yo, I believe) Sings and dances with a Legit (teen dance troup)
Piers - I like the look of the group, and I like you, but it wasn't great.
Sharon - Very good stage presence. But I'd like to see it more natural. Very talented.
Howie - Nina, you're adorable. Make it a little more now.
Crowd shouts VEGAS.
Howie - Take our advice. Yes.
Piers - I don't think you're quite ready, yet, so No.
Sharon - I don't know that you're quite ready for us, yet... I really don't. Right now, I'm gonna have to say No.

Segment #5

Alice Tan Ridley. 58yo Mother of 2. Daughter was "Precious". Wants to sing. Sings in the Subway (last 20 years).
"At Last" GREAT!
Standing Ovation from the audience.
Sharon - Millions of people must have gone back and forth on the subway over the years. Why hasn't someone signed you.
Howie - You deserve to be heard.
Piers - In terms of raw talent... Best audition of the day.
Yes, all round. (Sharon: It's my honor to say, you are going to Vegas.)
(I don't know that the judges knew who she was. Nick knew her right away.)

Segment #6

Chipps Cooney - Illusionist (in comedy fashion)
Nick says "So bad, he's good"
Piers buzzed early
Howie - I'll be honest with you, I lvoed it. I love the deadpan, Sad Sack kinda persona.
Piers - I don't get it. You are assuming he's trying to be terrible. Has it crossed your mind that he's just terrible.
Audience - VEGAS
Sharon - Silly, fun, and really entertained me.
Piers - I have a fear, that these two clowns are going to put you through.
Howie and Sharon - Yes.
Piers - No.
He's in.

End of show.

Orlando, tomorrow night. See you then!

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